Update on Our Health Issues and the Good News


Senior Member
I know it has been a long time since I have mentioned anything about my wife Pat's issues with memory from that infection last year. That was because there was nothing to tell. We had seen only marginal improvement and no one could give us a diagnosis. There is a reason they call medicine a practice...

Well we finally got a diagnosis along with a new Neurologist. He read her latest MRI that was taken in the fall and a lumbar puncture taken around the same time and explained that Pat had a stroke caused by the infection going to her bloodstream. When that happens it can collect like a clot at places like heart valves and break free and damage the brain. He said there were clear signs in the brain around her memory centers. The good news. She passed a test for dementia that she has never passed before demonstrating great improvement. As a result she was given a drug designed to restore memory...

She has been taking them for about 3 weeks and things are looking a bit better. She is at least remembering when she forgets to take her pills and that is a big plus.

For me. They found a treatment for my nonstop migraines. It was started before Thanksgiving. Before Thanksgiving I was averaging a migraine 7 out of 10 days a week pretty much the whole last year. In the last 3 weeks I have only had 3. It is a monthly injection. Have to praise God for the improvements... He is always good to us. This has just been a special Christmas.

Merry Christmas Everyone. Hope to start using my new Z6 a bit more now. God Bless.


Senior Member
Thank you for the report. I am very glad that your and your wife's issues are on the mend. Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


Staff member
Super Mod
Glad to hear about Pat's improvement! That can be so difficult not knowing what was causing her problem. And glad to hear you are doing better, too! Thanks for the update, Danno. :)


Staff member
Super Mod
Great news Dan! May you both continue to improve! You're both in our daily prayers!

Merry Christmas and a safe, healthy and Happy New Year to you and Pat!



Senior Member
Good to hear the positive news Danno. It must be a relief for you both.
Merry Christmas to you both, and I hope the new year brings continued improvement.


Senior Member
Fantastic news on all fronts. Modern medicine is miraculous, and I'm thrilled both you and Pat are finding succor now. A merry Christmas to you and yours, and may you and Pat continue to see improvement in 2020 and beyond. :snowman:


Senior Member
Glad to hear you've had some positive news going into Christmas. May 2020 see continued improvement for both of you. :encouragement: