No memory card, no shutter actuation


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Recently I heard about the ability to set a body to not actuate the shutter when no memory card is inserted and am curious how many people enable this setting? I don't recall seeing it mentioned here although no doubt I could have missed it. I just set my D750 and D7200--both use f7 under the Controls area within the Custom Setting Menu-- f7 Slot empty release lock set to LOCK instead of OK.

Wasn't sure where to ask this, so mods please feel free to move this thread if it would be better elsewhere.


Senior Member
It's probably only good for troubleshooting a problem or fiddling with lens autofocus/vr.
However, some cameras have a small built-in memory that will save a few pictures even without a card installed.


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It's probably only good for troubleshooting a problem or fiddling with lens autofocus/vr.
However, some cameras have a small built-in memory that will save a few pictures even without a card installed.

I was thinking more along the lines of people who shoot a number of images before they ever realize there isn't a memory card in the camera. It may not happen very often, but it does. Would be nice if there was an internal memory in the bodies though...just as a precaution. :)


Senior Member
I always set it, but I'm the guy that goes through every menu setting and tries to understand what each setting does for me. It is obscure and the default is to allow the shutter. The only use would be for store demo or testing so I think the default should be to lock. On my d7100 and d7200's it comes up with a red 'demo' icon on the picture whens it's displayed. I just tried it and the image with 'demo' shows up even though I have automatic image review turned off, so you get a little warning. No reason not to lock it though. Even though I keep two cards in the cameras, I still manage to leave both out every once in awhile and this setting has saved me.

Giving this deeper thought, I bet the default is set to allow the shutter because it saves some service calls. There will be a certain amount of users that don't read the book and call Nikon because the shutter won't release on their new camera. I could see that happening.

I stopped at 15 shots, but it was saving my images somewhere. I could jump through them and check all the stats. I'm thinking about the poor shooter that just got some award winning shots and then realizing they will disappear forever once the camera turns off.


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....Giving this deeper thought, I bet the default is set to allow the shutter because it saves some service calls. There will be a certain amount of users that don't read the book and call Nikon because the shutter won't release on their new camera. I could see that happening.

I stopped at 15 shots, but it was saving my images somewhere. I could jump through them and check all the stats. I'm thinking about the poor shooter that just got some award winning shots and then realizing they will disappear forever once the camera turns off.

I never tried shooting without cards to see if images still display. That's interesting. No wonder people have issues after a shoot without cards. Here I expected none would display if no cards were inserted. Thanks for sharing. :)


Senior Member
I set my to lock too. I never tried taking shots without a card either. I just assumed that they were not saved without one.


Senior Member
I thought the 'lock' was one of the most important things everybody set when getting a new camera.
Think I will check to be sure no green dot or menu resets change it back.... I don't think they do.


Happily retired
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I set all my cameras to prevent shutter functioning when there is no card or the card is full. The only one that doesn't have this option is the DF and it did happen to me to get outside and start shooting without a card... Now for those who chimp and look at all their shots after shooting, you might see the "DEMO" warning, but for those who don't, it's annoying.

So now I try to put back the cards in the cameras right after I copy the files to my computer. Once they're in, I format them. So now whenever I grab a camera, I know there is a freshly formatted card waiting to be filled.

So I prefer when the shutter does NOT work without a card.


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Back when I first bought my D90 (my first DSLR), I read quite a bit of the manual. Don't recall ever hearing about this option. Then when I got my D600, I bought David Busch's book but still don't remember reading about it. And most certainly I don't ever remember reading anything here on Nikonites either. Glad to hear it's a feature some people use. Even though I leave my camera out until I transfer the files then reinsert the cards in the camera, it's still a good feature to use. Thanks for the input! :)

Dawg Pics

Senior Member
I always set my camrea so that it won't shoot without the card because I would be the person shooting without a card in the camera.