Tough crowd....But can be friendly


Senior Member
I haven't been a member here for long, but some of the posts I read are in my opinion just down right rude and not needed. To think that most of you are "retired" goes to show that maybe there is more to wisdom and age... (not to say that everyone on here is retired/older, however I don't see too many young people post)

I understand everyone has their own opinions on certain topics, and maybe some are "pros" at particular subjects...but common guys/gals I really do think that there is some growing up that some people need to do.

IMO there is no wrong way to take a photo as everyone sees the subject that they are taking differently. I love seeing all the photos that everyone posts and how they came out with the image they did...but it just puts a HUGE damper in things when I read some of the comments of people just plain out putting people down personally or about the work they do.

Myself, would only ever even think about giving feedback to someone if and when they ask for it. I am not a pro, nor will I try to pretend to be...but it seems some think they are way above the rest.

Please undo the knot from your panties and just keep things civil.

I would be really interested to know how others feel about this....and I do apologize if there is another thread like this somewhere or if I have posted it in the wrong section.


Senior Member
where are you seeing these posts that are "rude", i have been a member for almost 4 years and have only seen a few post like this then the member would be warned and banned if they don't heed the warning. Anyone i have had contact with or ask help of have been real friendly.

Scott Murray

Senior Member
Please post examples of these rude comments/opinions. I alike Roy have been a member a little while and have only seen a few who get warned then banned, then banned again under a different name etc.


Senior Member
"Please undo the knot from your panties and just keep things civil."

​Lighten up Francis.

I don't wear panties.But I would if the right opportunity presented itself.

I haven't seen any personal attacks on this site.

In the old days, a site I belonged to had a Flamers group, where no holds were barred, other than extreme foul language. You knew going in that it might get ugly...Maybe we could have a Forum category for Giving People Shit. :)
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Senior Member
I haven't been a member here for long, but some of the posts I read are in my opinion just down right rude and not needed. To think that most of you are "retired" goes to show that maybe there is more to wisdom and age... (not to say that everyone on here is retired/older, however I don't see too many young people post)

I understand everyone has their own opinions on certain topics, and maybe some are "pros" at particular subjects...but common guys/gals I really do think that there is some growing up that some people need to do.

IMO there is no wrong way to take a photo as everyone sees the subject that they are taking differently. I love seeing all the photos that everyone posts and how they came out with the image they did...but it just puts a HUGE damper in things when I read some of the comments of people just plain out putting people down personally or about the work they do.

Myself, would only ever even think about giving feedback to someone if and when they ask for it. I am not a pro, nor will I try to pretend to be...but it seems some think they are way above the rest.

Please undo the knot from your panties and just keep things civil.

I would be really interested to know how others feel about this....and I do apologize if there is another thread like this somewhere or if I have posted it in the wrong section.

For what it's worth, this is about the most friendly forum, whether it be photography or any other forum that I have ever been a part of. If you have a problem with a member here it might be just a misunderstanding. It is very hard to judge someones tone on the internet just by reading words .

Also, we all come from different backgrounds and even different cultures. Something said to one person might be offensive to someone from a different culture, where the same comment might make someone else chuckle who is from somewhere else.

We all try to get along here and I think we do a very good job of it.
The best thing to do, is that if you feel that someone might be talking down to you, confront that person and let them know about it.
You might be surprised to find, that they don't even realize that they are doing it, and will be more careful about it next time.


Senior Member
"Please undo the knot from your panties and just keep things civil."

​Lighten up Francis.

I don't wear panties.But I would if the right opportunity presented itself.

I haven't seen any personal attacks on this site.

In the old days, a site I belonged to had a Flamers group, where no holds were barred, other than extreme foul language. You knew going in that it might get ugly...Maybe we could have a Forum category for Giving People Shit. :)

For a free D500, I would wear them for a week.:indecisiveness: Throw in a 14-24 mm Nikkor and I would even take a selfie.
If you look to the left under Awards for me you will see one that is called "Arm of Law" I have warned and banned more people than anyone here. If I see anything looking like what you are talking about they get warned very fast and I generally delete the post. I will not put up with that sort of activity. I have also banned more people than anyone. Ask any of the people that have already posted in this thread about me. I seriously considered warning you about this post but I assumed others would respond like they have. This is the friendliest forum I have ever seen. I have met and shot with many of the people here and am traveling 8 hours again in February to meet with a group of them to shoot Birds. My second year of going to this meet and greet.

I will tell you like I tell every one else. If you see anything that is not proper just send me a Private message with the offending thread and I will look at it and make a decision.


Senior Member
Well we all see things differently,this forum was a major difficulty in my decision to move away from Nikon,i have been a member for a few years and in that time posted some crap pictures,i have though not been insulted once,(unless it went over my head:D).

Getting back to your original post is it possible some of what you have seen is just banter between member who have known each other for long time,if not as others have said report it,its not allowing bullies that is one of the things that makes this a nice place to be.


Senior Member
Also, at the bottom of each post is a triangle with an exclamation mark. Click on that to report the offense. I am sure that there is a place for you to explain the problem.

Yes, this is one of my favorite forums. I have been participating on various forums since the turn of the century.


Senior Member
The original post sure took me by surprise and I thought I had missed something.
As @mikew says maybe you have read some posts between old friends who rib each other a bit. If you didn't know the background you could misinterpret the messages.

I've lost a bit of weight this year so need to keep the knot in my panties - might have to tighten it a notch or two :)


Senior Member
@Beanbagfrags, I am with the rest of these folks. I have seen some intense exchanges between friends that have strong opinions now and than, but that is the exception rather than the rule. I agree with @mikew that without body language sometimes it can be tough to see intent. That is the trade off that comes with relying on text to communicate.

I have only been an active member about a year and I have found this to be the most down to earth bunch of folks that really do try to help in a format that does not always lend itself to good communication. But I know I have gotten to be a better photographer with the help of these folks.


Senior Member
Tough crowd....

Getting back to your original post is it possible some of what you have seen is just banter between member who have known each other for long time,if not as others have said report it,its not allowing bullies that is one of the things that makes this a nice place to be.

I do find it friendly here, and this very well could be the circumstance, and maybe I have misread/overlooked some of the comments. I'm glad people have given their personal feedback on the situation as it has given me a different view on things as to maybe I am missing/misunderstanding somethings and some people's comments.

I have full confidence in the moderators and admin to keep this a happy fun place to discuss what we do as I truly think they do a wonderful job and appreciate the time they spend here.

Thank you all for your replies and will report anything I find rude to the appropriate personnel.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Beanbagfrags. You will not find the screaming and shouting between members under "D3300" or "Videography" or even "Post your Bird Photos" its always in the Wedding section .I think this is because money is involved and reputation. Long standing members establish a reputation for excellence and have a following in the membership. Excellence is not however perfection. If some newbie dares to suggest something is not quite right then the heavens open on them.
Its a problem for the moderators as banning the long established member for over reacting would cause another outcry so the poor newbie gets pilloried or banned... Many sites don't have a wedding section for this reason.


Senior Member
Beanbagfrags. You will not find the screaming and shouting between members under "D3300" or "Videography" or even "Post your Bird Photos" its always in the Wedding section .I think this is because money is involved and reputation. Long standing members establish a reputation for excellence and have a following in the membership. Excellence is not however perfection. If some newbie dares to suggest something is not quite right then the heavens open on them.
Its a problem for the moderators as banning the long established member for over reacting would cause another outcry so the poor newbie gets pilloried or banned... Many sites don't have a wedding section for this reason.

I only remember one such situation in the wedding area,i dont think the newbee got banned for that as such,i seem to remember he was a general ar$hole getting on most peoples t**s:D just my opinion i guess ime allowed one.


Staff member
Super Mod
I only remember one such situation in the wedding area,i dont think the newbee got banned for that as such,i seem to remember he was a general ar$hole getting on most peoples t**s:D just my opinion i guess ime allowed one.

There have been a few in the wedding section--in fact it is possible the post in question is the latest one that's been going on over there. And it happens to be the same member who sets people off. ;)


Senior Member
There have been a few in the wedding section--in fact it is possible the post in question is the latest one that's been going on over there. And it happens to be the same member who sets people off. ;)

Well you peaked my interest and i had to look,over here we call it a RTA ,road traffic accident,you know its going to be messy but you have to look :D
Beanbagfrags. You will not find the screaming and shouting between members under "D3300" or "Videography" or even "Post your Bird Photos" its always in the Wedding section .I think this is because money is involved and reputation. Long standing members establish a reputation for excellence and have a following in the membership. Excellence is not however perfection. If some newbie dares to suggest something is not quite right then the heavens open on them.
Its a problem for the moderators as banning the long established member for over reacting would cause another outcry so the poor newbie gets pilloried or banned... Many sites don't have a wedding section for this reason.

We did have one member in the wedding section that was a real piece of work. On someone else's work he said how can you expect to get good shots with a fat bride like that. He was crucified by everyone here. He never posted any links to his own work and only one photo he did was ever posted here. Some one tracked that photo down and attached it to his website. They then added that link here in the forum thread where he had said that about a bride and all the comments after. He started getting hate mail from all over the world. I thought it was funny. He messaged me and demanded that I take the link and all comment down and was not very nice to me about it either. So I just banned him for life.

No one here likes a bully. LOL