March 2022 Monthly: Balance or Item(s) From Days Gone By


Staff member
Super Mod
March Monthly Assignment: BALANCE or ITEM(S) FROM DAYS GONE BY - two options from which to choose.

BALANCE. Balance as a compositional element so you are free to choose any subject. Balance can mean symmetry, yet there are also asymmetrical images which convey balance. Reflections is an example that can be symmetrical either vertically or horizontally, too. Here is an article to help you hone how to accomplish this.

ITEM(S) FROM DAYS GONE BY. Anything that was used in the past (possibly even antique) although it might be something a few people still use. Examples are flip phones, cassettes, boom box, pocket watch, article(s) belonging to ancestors, antique or classic vehicle, oil lamp, etc.

My idea is to keep the assignment broad enough so people can have fun with it.


Let's get shooting! CREATIVITY/TECHNIQUE rules in this challenge, but there are a few guidelines:

1. Any photo submitted for a monthly assignment must be taken using a Nikon Camera!

2. All submissions must be taken during the month specified in the assignment thread and taken by YOU!
(Please insure that EXIF is either posted with the photo or if it gets messed up, hold yourself to the honor system and add the minimum Exif data of the Camera used and the date the photo was taken to your post).

3. Other than that, it's all up to your interpretation of the theme. Any photo will be accepted, SOOC or edited, doesn't matter.

4. Photos must be posted in this thread to be considered. Links to photos will not be considered an entry (In other words, no Flikr, Photobucket, or similar links)

5. Only THREE entries per member for each assignment. Please post entries separately (1 photo per post) and number the entry.

6. Entries will be judged by the number of likes received.

7. The top 5 shots will be displayed in a separate thread, and will be displayed in no particular order.

8. This is intended to be a FUN challenge. No critiques unless specifically asked. Also, please limit posts to just photos and brief descriptions/titles. Any comments/discussion should occur elsewhere, PLEASE.

As listed in other challenges, please note: NO CASH OR PRIZES will be awarded for this Monthly Assignment.


*To clarify time for start of the assignment, it is 0000 UTC/GMT the first day of the month (similar to the weekly challenges) and ends at 23:59 UTC/GMT the last day of the month.
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Staff member
Super Mod
This challenge has started. Use any subject but convey a sense of balance as a compositional tool. Or you can choose an item(s) from days gone by - or perhaps something that is still used today but isn't as popular now as it might have been. You can also incorporate a sense of balance with that item(s) if you wish.


Senior Member
Well, someone has to start the ball rolling.


Bob Blaylock

Senior Member
Balance From Days Gone By

You gave us a choice of two different themes, so I chose both. Here is a Balance which is an Item From Days Gone By.

Actually, two Items From Days Gone By. The lens being weighed (at 12 ounces) on this balance dates to 1972. I'm less certain of the dating on the balance itself, but it's probably from the 1970s or possibly 1980s.



Staff member
Super Mod
Entry #1 Things Gone By

Nikon D7100
March 7 2022 12:56pm

Oscilloscope with Gerti the dinosaur



Staff member
Super Mod
Submission time is over. Please like the images of your choice over the next 3.5 days.