Nikon Df subforum


Senior Member
I would like to see a Nikon Df subforum established here. It seems that most every Nikon camera in production, including the just announced D3300, has a Subforum.

Some of the features of the Df are unique, and it can accommodate some of the older/lesser known Nikkor lenses. A subforum to discuss the Df seems appropriate, as it is now- the "other forum" is used for the Df.

I would appreciate feedback from Admin if the "other" forum is intended for Nikon Df users.


Senior Member
I've never seen a new camera from Nikon stir up the kind of controversy that the Df has. The omission of the Df from "sub-forum" status while new cameras such as the D3300 are immediately accommodated leaves the impression that the Admin simply does not like the camera.


Staff member
Super Mod
I've never seen a new camera from Nikon stir up the kind of controversy that the Df has. The omission of the Df from "sub-forum" status while new cameras such as the D3300 are immediately accommodated leaves the impression that the Admin simply does not like the camera.

Ooo. We don't know what jdeg's been up to. When the D610 came out, I sent him a PM asking if it could be added to the database. He was quick to respond that it would be done as soon as he had the chance. And it was done although not immediately. He is quite a busy guy.

If you tried tagging him, it would have gotten his attention. I'll do it for you. @jdeg
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The Dude
"No Df subforum for you! Come back 1 year"



^ broke something
Staff member
I've never seen a new camera from Nikon stir up the kind of controversy that the Df has. The omission of the Df from "sub-forum" status while new cameras such as the D3300 are immediately accommodated leaves the impression that the Admin simply does not like the camera.

You're right. I hate the camera :) No, I can add the forum, it's not a big deal. The reason I added the d3300 so quickly is because it has greater potential for discussion. There aren't going to be as many df owners as there are d3300. The same goes for the d4s but I'll prob tack that on to the d4 forum.

sent from my phone

Scott Murray

Senior Member
You're right. I hate the camera :) No, I can add the forum, it's not a big deal. The reason I added the d3300 so quickly is because it has greater potential for discussion. There aren't going to be as many df owners as there are d3300. The same goes for the d4s but I'll prob tack that on to the d4 forum.

sent from my phone
D800E sub forum? :)


Senior Member
I had tried a PM- got "Box is Full". At, i'm a Moderator- my PM box has room for 2000 messages. Most of them are people asking me to Adjust lenses for the Leica, or convert a Zeiss Sonnar to Leica mount. The place is slower than here, but i cannot complain. Doing the conversions paid for the M Monochrom and the M9.

I've shot with Nikon for over 35 years now, mostly the F and F2, S2, S3, and SP. i have newer ones, but always go back to those classics. The Df is as close to them as any DSLR that I've seen. The M9 and M Monochrom are as close to using a film RF as you can get these days. The Df isn't perfect, but it is unique.


^ broke something
Staff member
I had tried a PM- got "Box is Full".
Whoops - forgot to clear it. I guess I need to up my storage to 2k :)

Anyway, the section is added and I've moved all related posts to it. Luckily the last search update added support for 2 letter words. Previously you couldn't search for the D4 easily.

Regarding the D800E - since there isn't any difference in the body itself, I'm inclined to just amend the name of the D800 forum.