Bracketing question


Senior Member
Using the d810 24-70 and a d610 w/70-200. I have never used bracketing option as I do portraits mainly ( not sure if thats relevant or not).
I am doing a wedding this friday for a friend. Is bracketing good to use just in general or just certain applications; or not at all for a wedding session?



Senior Member
I can't speak to wedding photography, but I find that while it's a good idea to "nail" the exposure, there is enough leeway in modern digital cameras to make bracketing unnecessary in most shooting situations. I can normally "fix" images that are up to 3 stops over/under exposed. I normally only bracket in difficult lighting situations, such as heavily backlit, sunrise and sunset images etc. The backlit situations are most likely to rear their head during a wedding. The other great thing about digital is that you can easily check important shots in the camera and make adjustments before the opportunity disappears.

BF Hammer

Senior Member
I think of bracketing as fail-safe for certain situations with varying light conditions. Think like the eclipse last April. I bracketed all the shots because there was no do-over and time was far too limited. Each photo was a 5-shot burst with bracketing.

But that leads to my issue with bracketing. It ruins photos also if you forget that you are set to bracket and just snap 1 photo. Now your next 2 will be underexposed and overexposed until you realize what you just did. Easier to shoot raw and fix things later.