Bikerbrents Bad Day Today


Senior Member
Hello all! Today is a very bad day for me. It is the the first day of the first year that my lovely wive, Dolores passed away on 10/3/2021. I miss her badly and would really appreciate that any one who believes in God, issues a prayer for Dolores Wojtkowski-Harritt. Thank you much and you have a great day to replace my bad day.

Thank you much,
bikerbrent, Brent Harritt


Senior Member

As I search for the "right" words I'm struggling, please know you and your wife are in my thoughts today - Bill

BF Hammer

Senior Member
One way I have described grief for others who lost a love one is that you do have bad days and good days. Early on it's a lot of bad days with a sprinkling of good ones. As time passes, you get to string more and more good days in-between those bad ones. Eventually it becomes a lot of good days with a sprinkling of bad ones.

I wish you strength to get to find that lot of good days stage Brent.


Senior Member

As your wife has been blessed to reach heaven, I pray for your future days to be turned into many joys from today's one-day sadness. Be strong and see the light.


Staff member
Super Mod
I am sorry you are struggling with the one-year mark of Dolores' passing. Grief is so difficult to endure and at times just shows up unexpectedly. However, on a day like today, it is more difficult to handle.

There is no time limit as to when grief eases. And quite honestly, it never goes away entirely. Some days might be a little better than others, Brent, but because you obviously loved her a great deal, the loss is especially difficult to bear. Spend time remembering the joys you shared. Cry and let out your pain - it's much better to cry than to keep it bottled up inside.

Dolores is safe in the hands of God, Brent. Nothing separates her from Him now. Praying for you to feel God's presence and to ease your pain.


Senior Member
Hi Brent , it was 4th September for me , a year without her was a year of emptiness, but I got through
I wil never forget and never stop loving her
I hope you can do the same , wishing you better days


Staff member
Super Mod
Think of the good times Brent! It helps to ease the pain.

You and Dolores are in our daily prayers.


Staff member
Super Mod
Merged threads Brent. You might want to delete the first post. When I tried deleting it, the whole thread was deleted.


Senior Member
Hi Brent. I just saw this as I got to work this morning. I remember how anguished you were when you first announced her passing, and most certainly that anguish does not abate over time. Especially over such a short amount of time as one year. I know almost nothing provides succor when tragedies reach this scale, but I do hope that your memories of the loving times you had together, and your belief that you will be reunited someday in a better place, help lessen the burden at least a bit. I'll certainly be thinking of you this day, and with very real sympathy.