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  1. S

    Post your Train shots!

    August 1990 at Binfield, TN when coal was king. [Nikon N2020, Kodachrome]
  2. S

    Post your men/ladies at work

    February 1992, Crawfordville, GA. [Nikon N2020, Kodachrome]
  3. S

    Marilynne's Wetlands and Other Stuff - 2025

    Wow, lots of great shots posted @Marilynne. This one of the boat is especially neat I think.
  4. S

    Post your Train shots!

    This was Mifflin Tower at Mifflin PA, one of classic Pennsylvania Railroad design, then owned by Conrail. It was open at the time (May 1981), but was closed and demolished several years later. [Nikon EL-2, Kodachrome]
  5. S

    Post your Train shots!

    Hahha! Sounds like a place I'd like to call home. :)
  6. S

    Post your Train shots!

    NASSAU Tower at Princton Jct., NJ in July 1978. It was built in 1944. Railroad towers were often named and this one was named for Nassau Hall on the nearby Princeton University campus. Nassau Tower has since been remotely controlled and is closed today, but it still stands. [Nikkormat FTn...
  7. S

    Post your Train shots!

    That's a beautifully maintained right-of-way @Needa. Those trains run pretty fast, right?
  8. S

    Post your favorite January 2025 shot

    I've not been able to get out to take pictures as much as I'd have liked, but I did get this one of an empty northbound grain train in South Carolina. [D5100, 01/19/2025]
  9. S

    Post your Train shots!

    This afternoon's empty grain train 51D moves north at Simpson, SC. [D5100]
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    Goodbye Radio Shack

    Those are neat recollections you have. My brother and I loved messing with hi-fi stereo equipment. We grew up in the latter 1960s and 1970s and before we could drive, a trip to Radio Shack as driven by our mother was the greatest thing. Back then in the Chicago area we had not only Radio...
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    Goodbye Radio Shack

    A very old thread here, but I thought I'd throw in this shot taken in my parent's pool in the summer of 2012. Good times. Our Radio Shack beachball survived a very long time. :) [Nikon D5100]
  12. S

    Post Your Black and Whites Photos!!

    From about 1975 at O'Hare Airport in Chicago, IL, a look at piston-powered Convair 580s as operated by North Central Airlines which operated routes in the upper midwest. I had a late friend who was as crazy about aircraft as I was about trains, so we enjoyed some good times together. Shortly...
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    Post Your Black and Whites Photos!!

    Another from the fall of 1977 at Knoxville, TN (USA). That's the old Louisville & Nashville station as opened in 1905 and which has since been refurbished and still stands today, though not in service as a station. At the time I took this, the L&N ran a one car passenger train from the station...
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    Post Your Black and Whites Photos!!

    From about 1976, Elgin, Joliet & Eastern Rwy. at Barrington, IL. [Nikkormat FTn, Plus-X]
  15. S

    Post Your Black and Whites Photos!!

    Chicago, South Shore & South Bend interurban at Chicago, about 1975. Car 102 entered service in 1926 and was modernized and lengthened after WW-II. It was scrapped in 2023, being too far in ruin to save. [Nikkormat FTn, Plus-X]
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    Needa's Insipid Images

    Looking forward to it! (y)
  17. S

    Post Your Black and Whites Photos!!

    With welded rail now found nearly everywhere, rail joints like these are less common and placed only where needed. Note how the bolt and nut placement is alternated on the splice bars. This is done for safety. If there were to be a derailment and a wheel flange dropped off the rail, no matter...
  18. S

    Post your Train shots!

    Another electric, a former Pennsylvania Railroad GG-1 locomotive at Newark NJ, February 1983. These were of extraordinary design, many working in excess of 50 years. The last was retired the same year I shot this.
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    Post Your Black and Whites Photos!!

    Steam locomotives need plenty of water. Ringoes NJ, June 1980.