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  1. K

    Austin Healey

    One I took last year while in New York. Sorry something happened and I didnt catch it before my backup drive went south so I dont have the exif info for it. It was a D600 - 18-35, the rest is gone. Also posted in the Automotive, so if you see it twice my apologies.
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    Amazon Cloud Drive as a backup while traveling

    I have, money well spent. Got the 2tb model, and I take it when I am not going to be around a computer. Remember it is a battery operated device so the transfer will be a little slower, but that wouldn't prevent me from ever buying another one. I set it up to copy the card when inserted, you...
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    Moab Man's 366 in 2016

    I hear ya, it's not as simple as plugging in a USB drive. But if the pictures are ready for show you can look for the camera kit which has a card reader with it and a USB connection. I just put mine on the cloud and use my phone for the hotspot for Internet connection. 1 less device to worry...
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    Moab Man's 366 in 2016

    Gotcha, I understand now. I follow Teathertools on Instagram and people are always using IPads, maybe they have a solution.
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    Track meet, exceeded the limits of the camera

    Ok this is not fun from my phone, but should have what you want to Hark. Had find an application for my phone but now I am glad I did, cool application.
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    Track meet, exceeded the limits of the camera

    Well, haven't posted much lately. I think I exceeded my camera capability on this field that is horrible for night shots. So I switched it to black and white. Yes I could play with it for a while longer but after switching to black and white it just worked so did some specific BW tweaking and...
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    Hello from Texas

    Thanks Charlie
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    Macro using CPL filter

    @Ironwood Brad, fantastic shots and the lighting is perfect. Not sure how I missed this thread, but glad it showed today. I think you might have inspired me to give this world another try. Just need to gather some materials and go practice now that its cooling off.
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    Post your latest purchases.

    We will be waiting on a full review. Someone brought them up before but I dont recall if anyone ever ordered any. Save the link, Thanks for the reminder @Phillydog1958
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    Lens mode and Back button focusing

    There is but thats why you are here. I promise its not that bad after things start to click with you. There is so much I still have to learn but I take things one step at a time. Exposure if the first, from there you can branch out. I had this first one in my bag, well I should say that I...
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    Something to think about before posting to Social Media

    This should make you think Richard Prince Selling Other People's Instagram Shots Without Permission for $100K
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    Shoutout to BlackRapid and their customer service.

    I noticed one of my rubber washers has a split in it, its the oldest one so I guess it was about time. No clue how long these should last so I thought I would just go pick one up, but no one online sells them and even BlackRapid doesn't sell them. Sent them an email about where to purchase and...
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    Moab Man 2015 Photo Collection

    I have looked at both and I am leaning towards the second as well. What was your setup for these? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  14. K

    Post your latest purchases.

    @hark and @singlerosa , Congrats
  15. K

    Need backup for d600

    Not looking for another FX, need a backup as I have several things coming up. Don't want invest thousands into another new body or changing formats. Need a similar quality backup, ignoring FOV. I know the differences between DX and FX. So with that said. Not saying the 600 is better, so not...
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    Well, gone and done it, camera is in the shop again

    Still scratching my head on this one, but it apparently happened this past weekend. I took my camera out of the bag yesterday to change a setting based on the Auto-ISO thread and noticed my lens was leaning towards the right. Well, took it off and noticed the lens mount was pulled out on one...
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    First Portrait Attempts

    Following and learning Charlie, Also thanks for the Facebook group @fotojack ( Jack ), I didnt even catch that in the first post but I have requested to join as well.
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    Cameras and the beach, any lessons learned

    Thanks Moab Man, watch out of the sunscreen thats one to remember for sure. @Pretzel, I'm with you on the body being sealed and such, so no worries here just want to see if anyone had anything I hadn't thought about. So far sunscreen and ND's are at the top. Wind/Sand/Salt not good for...
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    Portable Hard Drives w/wireless connectivity

    Curious to see if anyone has any experiences with the below portable hard drives. - Western Digital Wireless w/SD card reader WD My Passport 2TB External WirelessUSB 3.02.0 Portable Hard Drive Black WDBDAF0020BBK-NESN - Best Buy - Seagate Wireless Seagate Wireless Plus 2TB Portable Hard...
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    Cameras and the beach, any lessons learned

    Curious, the last time I went to the beach with a camera I really didn't think about the salt/sand/moisture. Any concerns other than the basic, clean/protect that I should be aware of. Just trying to be prepared, after all this camera and lenses cost substantially more than the D40 w/kit lens...