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  1. H

    Weekly Challenge Sept. 28 - Oct. 5 : A Season of Change, the Colors of Fall

    Oops Uploaded the wrong one so it was is a larger one!
  2. H

    Weekly Challenge Sept. 28 - Oct. 5 : A Season of Change, the Colors of Fall

    Well everyone its been awhile again for me!! I have been very busy with my growing business!! YAAA!! Makes me happy but I thought I would stop by and check everything out while I have a minute!! Here is my image...the fall sunlight and the fall colors in this background make me feel so great...
  3. H

    Weekly Challenge August 3-10: Candid Smiles

    She just glows!! Maybe because she is pregnant and a beautiful one at that!! She was smirking at her hubby at this one :)
  4. H

    Trip to Isle Royale Which lens to use?

    Okay I only have two choices for lenses to use on my trip tomorrow to Isle Royale and would like you feed back. I can only take one because it is a backpacking trip and I am already adding a lot of weight with the choice to take my D7000 with me instead of just a simple point and shoot. So my...
  5. H

    Weekly Challenge July 20-27: Sunsets

    Sunset at the beach! Makes me Love West Michigan that much more!!!
  6. H

    Daily (weekly?) photo submission.

    WOW!! I know I have been missing from here for a LONG TIME! Life has been crazy planning my wedding helping my best friend with hers, bridal showers, bachelorette parties..My daughter turned one and I threw a big party for that (which I was so busy hostessing that I didn't get very many photos...
  7. H

    Daily (weekly?) photo submission.

    Some Photo Art
  8. H

    First field shots (I know this is black and white but I just loved it) Thoughts?

    Okay thoughts..this isn't as "bright" I would say..more true to life color. I know the previous editing was really trendy, which is AWESOME now. I'm pretty much a chameleon and can adapt to all the changes..I have in almost all parts of my life (if ya'll understand that) but what about...
  9. H

    Looking for insite

    We are going to be selling out Panoscan and including with this is my Nikkor 16mm fisheye f2.8 manual, I can not seem to find a lot on the worth of the lens. Only one spot did I find it and they were asking 500.00 for the used one just like mine. Can anyone confirm this? Thank so much for any...
  10. H

    Daily (weekly?) photo submission.

    Such a beautiful little lady! Look at those baby blues!!
  11. H

    Toy Boat on Pond Shore

    I thought just bringing out the color of the sand and the water a bit more along with the crop for the rule of thirds helped and I really like this image. I feel like it tells a story. Makes me wonder what happened to the little child who use to play with that boat?
  12. H


    Pulled out the yellows in the photo and added a little contrast.
  13. H

    First field shots (I know this is black and white but I just loved it) Thoughts?

    So the Black and white saved that first photo. Here is a color one that I was able to get a better shot by changing the girls position a bit.
  14. H

    Tips on hummingbirds

    I have two lovely hummingbirds that visit my humming bird feeder! But the problem is that I can not seem to get a photo of them. Any tips. They fly away every time I try and snap a photo...even with my 18-200 lens on they always see me move to grab my camera which is by my side! THIS IS MY...
  15. H

    Daily (weekly?) photo submission.

    We forgot our water diapers so we had to go with out for our little Kayden....It allowed for a cute little butt shot of her :)
  16. H

    Weekly Challenge June 8-15: Flowers...with a Twist

    A little friend wanted to sneak in the photo too :)
  17. H

    Daily (weekly?) photo submission.

    Wow I have not been on in awhile..Life has been crazy in both good and bad ways. So I thought I should get back on here and post a couple photos. These are my first attempts at flying nice LOL
  18. H

    Weekly Challenge May 18-25: Heritage

    Okay so I decided to go a different direction with this photo. It is still for my baby girl who is the one that inspires me. Our favorite flower is the Lilac! We go together and get gobs of the flower to fill up the house so the aroma fills every nook and cranny. Along with that Taylor LOVES...
  19. H

    Weekly Challenge May 18-25: Heritage

    NOT FOR CHALLANGE Well I won't be able to be part of this challenge..because the person that got me involved in photography is not going to be here for a week...which makes me sad...It is my oldest Daughter..she is the savior of my life! This photo was taken when I fist got my D70 and i had NO...