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  1. M

    Problem with my WiFi adaptability.

    You’d have no problem convincing me of that. Groan!
  2. M

    Problem with my WiFi adaptability.

    Thank you. I’ve tried that. The led’s beginning flashing green and orange, alternately. When I again press the WPS button, the led flashes green, and continues to flash green. There is nothing to indicate that the device has been reset, and I still can’t log into the app.
  3. M

    Problem with my WiFi adaptability.

    Thanks for the suggestion. I’ve gone through the process with airplane mode on or off. I’ve retyped the password in different config’s, obviously without success. I’ll keep at it but I’m close to returning it for a refund.
  4. M

    Problem with my WiFi adaptability.

    I’ve contacted Nikon twice for help with the WMU 1a. Each attempt has been fruitless. I have a number of issues with the device. The most important of which are not being able to reset the device and then not being able to get past the password challenge. There’s a password there that I...