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  1. W

    iPhone ... or other smart phone for that matter .... Post them Up!

    I think on some settings the I phone 11 and up an take very sharp pictures . But to even try to compare; in most settings the DSLR or DLR will take better pictures. However, my I phone takes the convenience and low light settings award. In some harsh light conditions, the Nikon struggles...
  2. W

    >o>o>o>o> Backyard Birding <o<o<o<o<

    @Dangerspouse No. Weapon of choice. Nikon P900 Coolpix. The Iphone is great for indoor shots and close ups... panorama views... but for 10X zoom, it gets absolutely no depth. Raines Wildlife by Wolfsatz, on Flickr Raines Wildlife by Wolfsatz, on Flickr
  3. W

    >o>o>o>o> Backyard Birding <o<o<o<o<

    When Mahoma cannot go to the Mountain.... you feed the birds! DSCN6734-COLLAGE by Wolfsatz, on Flickr DSCN6741-COLLAGE by Wolfsatz, on Flickr I guess i also feed this guy 'indirectly' DSCN6726-COLLAGE by Wolfsatz, on Flickr DSCN6712-COLLAGE by Wolfsatz, on Flickr DSCN6700-COLLAGE by...
  4. W

    Can you help ID this bird please?

    I have now been feeding my aviary friends for over a year now; to which I can name without trouble most of the time. However, a week ago as I was coming back from an errand, I parked and as I walk toward our walkway, there was this guy having brunch to what I think it was a gold finch as he...
  5. W

    iPhone ... or other smart phone for that matter .... Post them Up!

    Shot with Iphone 8 (unedited) Big Boy by Wolfsatz, on Flickr Sdelka by Wolfsatz, on Flickr Fall'n Fall’n by Wolfsatz, on Flickr Untitled by Wolfsatz, on Flickr
  6. W

    ]*]*]*] Wolf's School of Flight [*[*[*[

    ] I have not tried that yet... but yes, that will make more good ones ... specially with the little birds, they never stop moving. @dangespouse Yes, I do very little editing. For the most part I tried to recreate what my eyes are seeing as far as colours. In the respect to full editing...
  7. W

    ]*]*]*] Wolf's School of Flight [*[*[*[

    50 Feet Up! ​Dove by Wolfsatz, on Flickr Don't worry love.. I got the NightWatch Got the Watch by Wolfsatz, on Flickr VA Cardinal VA Cardinal by Wolfsatz, on Flickr VA Cardinal by Wolfsatz, on Flickr WoodPecker Woodpecker by Wolfsatz, on Flickr Rose Bush Cover VA Cardinal by Wolfsatz, on...
  8. W

    New to Nikonites!

    Greetings all.I've been a photo enthusiast for a long time... back in College I used to shoot weddings and work for a small newspaper in exchange for Ad space;Took many years off.. and now recently, my lovely wife just gifted me a Nikon Coolpix P900; I love the long reach!!! but it has a few...