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  1. XKCD97

    Extremely small scale macro photography

    Thank you! I'll see if these would be worth it
  2. XKCD97

    Extremely small scale macro photography

    Hmm, I'll have to try the larger focal length lens setup, seems like it could be better than the current extreme jank, Thanks for the suggestion.
  3. XKCD97

    Extremely small scale macro photography

    Yes, the depth of focus was really thin but the ingenious book mount helped. Also, thank you for the tips and Microphotography resource. Googling this stuff is really hard because I don't know what to ask Google so thank you for a starting point.
  4. XKCD97

    Extremely small scale macro photography

    Hello, I'm trying the use like 13 extension rings to take pictures of a computer screen pixels, but the focus is extremely finicky. I was wondering if as you add extension do you have to decrease the focal length of the of the lens at the end of the whole stack. Is there something im missing or...