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  1. Woodyg3

    Dominique’s old stones (mostly)

    This has a film look to it to my eye. Very nice. :)
  2. Woodyg3

    Woody's 2024 Photon Collection Project

    One little patch of blue sky.
  3. Woodyg3

    Woody's 2024 Photon Collection Project

    One gull had a fish, another gull wanted that fish. 😄
  4. Woodyg3

    Exposure Z6III

    Do you have max ISO set to 64000? That would account for the settings selected by the camera. 1/2500 might have been too fast for the light conditions and if 64000 was set as your max ISO, the camera couldn't do any more to correct your exposure.
  5. Woodyg3

    Charging Z6III

    Why not buy a separate battery charger and a couple of extra batteries. Charging in camera is a pain, IMO. :)
  6. Woodyg3

    Nikonites T-Shirts and Hats

    I had forgotten about these! Thanks, Cindy. :)
  7. Woodyg3

    Elephant Crossing

    Great shot!
  8. Woodyg3

    New Member

  9. Woodyg3

    Help With FTZII

    Yep. Nikon does things backwards on their lens mounts. LOL. Even after many years I still turn the wrong way once in a while. :)