F100 Flash


Senior Member
Hi, what kind of flashes do you all recommend for Nikon F100? It's just my back up camera but looking for a flash to use at night just in case.


Senior Member
Current digital models, i.e. SB-700 & 910 are backwards compatible with the F100, however you can save some money and find a used SB-24, 25 or 28 for cheap.


Senior Member
Current digital models, i.e. SB-700 & 910 are backwards compatible with the F100,

Sorry, that is not correct. It is only the SB-600 and SB-800 that are backwards compatible with film TTL cameras. Then that was abandoned, and the later SB-700 and SB-900 are digital iTTL only.

See Nikon | Imaging Products | Nikon F100

however you can save some money and find a used SB-24, 25 or 28 for cheap.
This part is right. The SB-24 is a great flash, but is older, and a short a couple of later features (3D, Auto FP). The Nikon link above suggests the SB-27 for the F-100, but the F-100 manual (flash section) covers several from SB-24 to SB-80.

The newer SB-700 and SB-900 will "work" as manual or Auto flash, but does not communicate with the camera system, and cannot do iTTL with film cameras.


New member
When you say it will "work", does that mean I can put the sb 700 on the hotshoe of the f100 and put it in manual mode and it will fire?


Staff member
Super Mod
When you say it will "work", does that mean I can put the sb 700 on the hotshoe of the f100 and put it in manual mode and it will fire?

Is the F100 compatible with the Creative Lighting System? If so, then it should be compatible with some limitations based on this chart by Nikon. If the body does not support the Creative Lighting System, it still looks like it should work in manual mode.


I found the above link after looking this this other Nikon page that offers info on other speedlights.


You might want to call Nikon and ask - unless there is someone here who has firsthand knowledge. Based on the above chart, it doesn't seem to be cut and dry.