Auto loggout is really, really unnecessary

Alastair L

Senior Member
I've been a forum member for less than 24 hours and already three times I have lost comments or edits due to a combination of this sites automatic login process (as if it's a bank) and the fact that the back button will not retrieve the page that I was on before hitting the post button. If we could go back we could retrieve the comment contents, login and paste it. Or maybe there is a setting I don't know about to turn auto logout off… I have a lot of security on my system, I don't need this facility at all and it's frustrating when I forget to copy all my comment before hitting post. You don't get any indication you've been signed out either so it's a real trap.


Staff member
Super Mod

When you logon, there should be a check off box (remember me) to keep you logged on. Check it and you won't be logged off.
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