Why am i blocked from upload an image??


Senior Member
Pups 365 trial - Page 52 - Mozilla Firefox 9142014 83640 AM.jpgwhen i go to select file, "block" pops up?? Had to use basic uploader to post this.


Senior Member
You are not blocked from uploading, you are viewing a tab holder from Adblock Plus. This allows the user to block specific flash windows - which are often advertisements. However it is easy to block flash accidentally.

If you do not wish to see the block tabs, click on the Adblock Plus icon, Options, the uncheck "Show tabs on Flash & Java".

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Michael J.

Senior Member
Maybe someone would that we get the adds :) So who blocks gets punished and can upload just one by one

Sent from my iPhone4 using Tapatalk
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Staff member
Super Mod
I use FF Michael and I was able to upload more than one photo at a time yesterday using the standard upload page. Haven't tried yet today.