Lightroom support for D750 now available


Senior Member
Ah, now the joy of cleaning up. Here's what I'm doing, for anyone in the same predicament

Step one: Delete any DNG's that never stacked up

Step two: Import all my D750 NEF files

Step three: In gallery view mode in the Library module, apply a filter as follows - Choose D750 under Metadata-Camera, plus add a text filter where Filename-Does Not Contain-psd to get just the D750 DNG and NEF files.

Step four: (with filter still on) While still in gallery mode, go thru the NEF files one at a time, deleting them if there is no corresponding DNG file, and applying any Star Color or Flag Attribute that might exist on the DNG file.

Step five: (with filter still on) Go to the Develop module and on every NEF file choose Paste Settings from Previous (thank God there's a keyboard shortcut)

Step six: Go back to Gallery view mode in the Library module (keyboard shortcut 'g'), clear the existing filter and add a text filter Filename-Contains-DNG. Select all and delete.

I know what I'm doing in front of the TV tonight.


Senior Member
Included in the update is support for the Canon 7D Mkii, which gets released in a couple days. When is Nikon going to learn that RAW support for your new cameras is a huge plus and stop worrying about protecting their RAW file format like it's some sort of valuable trade secret before the camera comes out?!


Senior Member
Most of the shots were taken to get the training wheels off the D750. Same shots all kinds of settings. That always brings an overload of crap.


Senior Member
Since CC prompted me to update PhotoShop and Bridge this morning, curious why it didn't suggest the LightRoom update as well. Instead, it suggested I needed to install (not update) Lightroom.


Senior Member
I purchased lightroom before I signed up for CC, not sure about you. So I usually just open up LR and it prompts me to upgrade. I have the install option as well, but never use it. I dont know if picking install would reinstall or actually update, dont feel like playing around with it.


Staff member
Super Mod
Boy, he doesn't like Adobe I guess.

I haven't had any issues after the update.

Good to know. I downloaded and installed it but haven't had the time to work in it today. Since I don't own a D750, I probably didn't need the update. Oh well. Hope it will work without any problem. :)