D610 firmware upgrade blues


Senior Member
Earlier today, I decided to upgrade the firmware on my D610, from I think 1.01, something like that, to 1.04. Everything goes smoothly, so I try my fav lens, Sigma 50-500mm 4-6.3 APO DG HSM EX. It is not auto focusing now, last night and earlier, it worked fine. I think that I was experimenting with something I read, back button focus (bbf), and I think I may have left it on that, which I think was the dial for manual focus/auto focus. I did the two green button reset, which I think should have deleted the bbf info, but I am not sure. I keep it on aperture priority for the most part, and also tried auto, neither worked. I am pretty sure this lens is one that does not work on the 3000 or 5000 series, but should work on the D610. I tried the lens on a D90 and D100, and it was okay. I also tried an AF-S 18-55 kit lens and it worked on the camera. I took the lens to a local reputable camera store a few days ago for a firmware upgrade and they said that as far as they could tell, it wasn't upgrade able, and I know it is an older lens. If it is the firmware, does anyone have older versions that I could get? I would really appreciate it, or if there is operator error, let's get it corrected! Thank you!



Staff member
Super Mod
Earlier today, I decided to upgrade the firmware on my D610, from I think 1.01, something like that, to 1.04. Everything goes smoothly, so I try my fav lens, Sigma 50-500mm 4-6.3 APO DG HSM EX. It is not auto focusing now, last night and earlier, it worked fine. I think that I was experimenting with something I read, back button focus (bbf), and I think I may have left it on that, which I think was the dial for manual focus/auto focus. I did the two green button reset, which I think should have deleted the bbf info, but I am not sure. I keep it on aperture priority for the most part, and also tried auto, neither worked. I am pretty sure this lens is one that does not work on the 3000 or 5000 series, but should work on the D610. I tried the lens on a D90 and D100, and it was okay. I also tried an AF-S 18-55 kit lens and it worked on the camera. I took the lens to a local reputable camera store a few days ago for a firmware upgrade and they said that as far as they could tell, it wasn't upgrade able, and I know it is an older lens. If it is the firmware, does anyone have older versions that I could get? I would really appreciate it, or if there is operator error, let's get it corrected! Thank you!


Older Sigma lenses that aren't designed to be used with a dock need to be sent back to Sigma for firmware updates. I haven't sent anything myself, but if memory serves me correctly, you might just have to pay the shipping costs.

I *think* it's been posted here on how to revert back to previous firmware on a body, but I don't know how to do it.

A two button reset only reverts the shooting menu. Any specifics for changing buttons might need to be done manually. Good luck! You should be able to get the issue corrected somehow. :)


Senior Member
I had exactly the same problem with my 50-500 when I updated the firmware on my D7100:sorrow:. I was lucky though, as I still had the previous version saved on my computer. If you have not you could try looking thru' the firmware updates via Nikon Messaging to find an earlier version (for me v1.03 worked).

I found that the two firmware files were EXACTLY the same size so concluded that if I just re-installed the older version as if it were an upgrade it would revert and it did. The update process does look a little odd going from a higher number to a lower but...

This may not be the accepted way of downgrading firmware but it worked for me, on my camera, but cannot say whether it is foolproof and will work with all cameras (I do not want to be held responsible for "bricking" anyone's pride and joy).

I hope that this helps.


Senior Member
I had exactly the same problem with my 50-500 when I updated the firmware on my D7100:sorrow:. I was lucky though, as I still had the previous version saved on my computer. If you have not you could try looking thru' the firmware updates via Nikon Messaging to find an earlier version (for me v1.03 worked).

What do you mean by "Nikon messaging"? Nikon emails? I just bought the 610 a month or so ago, so I don't have any older versions of the firmware.

Where are the firmware archives, does anyone know? I duckduckgoed it and I am not sure if they options are legit and won't give me crappy versions or viruses or whatever. Who do people use to revert back? Why doesn't Nikon just keep all versions on the same page?



Senior Member
Sorry to hear about your situation. I have always been told whenever doing an update, always copy a backup of the original incase you need it. It's my understanding Nikon doesn't like 3rd party lenses on their cameras, so with periodic camera updates, they can purge the 3rd party offerings with firmware "upgrades", (tougher to do now that Tamron and Sigma have docks compatible with their newer lenses). I don't think you will find previous firmware versions from Nikon exactly for this reason, but maybe your camera store has a previous D610 firmware file. I would start with an email to Sigma stating the lens you have and the firmware you updated to. Nikon will not help you with this one.


Senior Member
If you download and install either of the free Nikon applications, ViewNX-i and/or CaptureNX-D, Message Center will be installed as well. It's where you will find out about updated versions etc.. I have had a look for an earlier version for your camera and there does not appear to be one showing. However, someone on here may well have one saved that they could email to you.


New member
Its interesting in this thread you indicate we should donwload ViewNX-i and/or CaptureNX-D,
I have searched the Nikon support site but only found NX-Studio and NX Transfer 2.
Do these apps we can download 100% replace the ones you mentiuon?



New member
I have a D610.
I'm searching on the internet, how to remotely control it for example when doing Macro work

Ideally that would be an app on my smartphone which would use Bluetooth or WifI to connect to it.

I see there are various cable remotes
I also see there's wireless dongles that fit in the USB port

Its kinda puzzling all the options that "seem" to exist.

If anyone has been there and gone through this, it would be great to read your advice



Senior Member
If all you are looking for is remote release, this should do it quite inexpensively.

remote release

If you prefer a Nikon brand, they run a little more, but are still fairly affordable. Alternately, you could just use the camera timed release feature. I use that whenever I want to release the shutter without introducing vibration. I just set it to 2 sec delay, hit the shutter and then hands off the camera until the shutter activates. I see that Snapbridge isn't compatible with the D610. It may be that the camera doesn't have wifi.

I installed Snapbridge on my phone and paired it with my Z5. It is a cool looking feature, but I wouldn't recommend it just to use for avoiding vibration when hitting the shutter release. It is a little fiddly to pair up, and I just prefer the ergonomics of some kind of real button to push. Now, if you need to be able to see what the camera is seeing from a distance, then that's another matter altogether. Having said that, it doesn't look like that's an option for you with this camera.


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BF Hammer

Senior Member
I have a D610.
I'm searching on the internet, how to remotely control it for example when doing Macro work

Ideally that would be an app on my smartphone which would use Bluetooth or WifI to connect to it.

I see there are various cable remotes
I also see there's wireless dongles that fit in the USB port

Its kinda puzzling all the options that "seem" to exist.

If anyone has been there and gone through this, it would be great to read your advice

The Snapbridge app by Nikon would normally be how a camera is remotely controlled by a smartphone or tablet. But the D610 is too old to do that trick. The D750 is one of the earlier camera bodies that does work by wifi with Snapbridge. You can do some simple things like change shutter or f-stop. Pick a focus point if in autofocus. Most things you do while in LiveView. Newer the body, more options available. This only works with wifi, I found that bluetooth (Z-mount bodies) will only allow transfer of photos from camera to phone or upload to Nikon Image Space.

Using a compatible USB cable, there are Windows apps to remotely control a D610 via the USB cable. Nikon's own NX Tether has Windows and Mac versions. It is free software, and I have used it with a D600. But with this you use a laptop and likely some table and chair to work. Not very portable. It is how I use it for astrophotography.
NX Tether web page