Exposure Meter in Manual Mode confusion with non-CPU Lens


New member
Newbie - I have a D5200 and purchased a Opteka mirrored tele. I get being a non-CPU lens I can only shoot in Manual Mode. However what is strange to me is with a non-CPU lens in manual mode, there is no Exposure Meter. Am I missing something? Seems like that is one time I would really need the exposure meter ? TIA.


Senior Member
D5200 User manual, page 83: Non-CPU lens can be used in M mode, but the light meter will not function.

D5200 Reference manual (available Nikon | Download center | D5200 )

page 201 says: Camera metering system, iTTL flash control, and other features requiring a CPU lens cannot be used.

Non-CPU lenses are a feature of the models D7100 and up.
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