Jen, you're making me want to go out and try this myself again. The moon and me do not have a happy relationship together. I knew the moon would be a tough one to shoot, so I took it to the extreme the last time we danced together. Using just a 200mm 5.6 this is a crop of what I came up with a couple months ago.

I had a lot of luck with the above photo and Photoshop CS5 putting it into other photos
I'm sure they're not the ideal settings, but I knew it was going to be bright and moving. Keep in mind the D3000 does poorly at ISO's above 400, so that is why I have so much noise and grain. Just throwing out some settings I used you might find helpful or get you close to settings to get that detail you're looking for.
I would agree with everyone else to go HDR or Photomerge if you have Photoshop. Personally I think you're going to need at lest two different shots to get the effect you're looking for. You got the D90, so set it up for some extreme bracketing and shoot the moon and see what you can pull off.
Photoshop CS5 does have HDR Pro, but I have not heard the HDR Pro's here talk about it and I'm new to HDR so can't offer much advice.
Maybe sometime before or after I shoot my 365 tonight I'll have to take a trip outside and dance in the snow with the Moon. Now if I could only find my fingerless gloves.
(Note to self: when shooting the moon remember to keep your pants on for this one)
UPDATE: not happening tonight, moon rise was about 8-9 o'clock, clouds moved in and it's snowing.......AGAIN