Drone footage that is being shown in B&H


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Jeff Cable, a photographer who has shot the Olympics as well as other sporting events--normally a Canon shooter--was asked to come up with some drone footage to be displayed in B&H's store. There are some impressive sights in the video although the music tends to be repetitive.

This is a collection of some of my favorite video segments taken with DJI Phantom and Inspire aerial cameras (drones). This compilation includes footage from the U.S., Canada, Switzerland, France, Italy, Monte Carlo, St. Thomas and Spain. I wanted to show a diverse cross section of my drone work, from sports to landscape and everything in between.



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This is some footage from a local friend of mine that flies and does aerial footage for a living with his drones. He also has some racing drones. I recently saw some footage from one of these drones. It is pretty amazing to see what they can do


I can honestly say I've never watched drone footage doing 360° flips! I had no idea they could do flips or move as fast as that one. Think I need to take a Dramamine. ;)
I can honestly say I've never watched drone footage doing 360° flips! I had no idea they could do flips or move as fast as that one. Think I need to take a Dramamine. ;)

Not sure if you have looked at my Daniel Pratt Gin Co photos but the guy who did the racing footage and I are working on getting him in there with me and having him fly and shoot inside the building. There are a few drones now that can fly without the use of satellites. Most drones like mine rely on satellites to know where they are and to be able to "Go home" when they lose communications or run low on battery power. Mine locks on to 6 to 8 satellites before it takes off


Staff member
Super Mod
Not sure if you have looked at my Daniel Pratt Gin Co photos but the guy who did the racing footage and I are working on getting him in there with me and having him fly and shoot inside the building. There are a few drones now that can fly without the use of satellites. Most drones like mine rely on satellites to know where they are and to be able to "Go home" when they lose communications or run low on battery power. Mine locks on to 6 to 8 satellites before it takes off

No, offhand I don't recall seeing anything from the Daniel Pratt Gin Co. And since I have no knowledge about drones, I didn't realize some of them rely on satellites. Thought I saw footage once of one that fell into a creek when its battery died though. ;)
No, offhand I don't recall seeing anything from the Daniel Pratt Gin Co. And since I have no knowledge about drones, I didn't realize some of them rely on satellites. Thought I saw footage once of one that fell into a creek when its battery died though. ;)

Look in my signature and you will see the link to the photos I have on here.

All of the ones you see flying around with the cameras all use satellites for guidance. Mine is a DJI Vision II which is probably one of the most popular ones out there today uses satellites to figure out where it is. I have a controller for the drone and it uses radio signals to control where it is flying. Them the camera onboard uses wifi linked to my iPhone to let me see what is see and also to control the camera. It can move the camera up and down, Take still photos, or start and stop video recording all from the phone that is mounted on the controller that is hanging around my neck. It is really a lot of fun to play with and the photos give a entirely different perspective to your photography.