After tonight I'll no longer be a virgin...


Senior Member
.....when it comes to wet cleaning a sensor. I got a big ole spot that wont come off no matter what.
I was gonna do it in the washing machine, but not sure if Emmylou would enjoy the spin cycle.
Off to the dishwasher then. Anyone know which kind of detergent would be best so the D7100 logo wont fade?
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Senior Member
.....when it comes to wet cleaning a sensor. I got a big ole spot that wont come off no matter what.
I was gonna do it in the washing machine, but not sure if Emmylou would enjoy the spin cycle.
Off to the dishwasher then. Anyone know which kind of detergent would be best so the D7100 logo wont fade?

Try this. I've used it many times, and like it says, offers superior protection for your film!
