Retouching photos in the 1930s


^ broke something
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That may have taken a lot longer than modern tools allow with digital , but it still looks like a big improvement and a real nice result (especially considering the dodge and burn techniques)
The 'look' of that shot might be hard to duplicate, or it might not, I dunno,, but it does , to me,, really exemplify the era.
I'm impressed with what folks can do with simple tools, and consider it more impressive to have done the moon landing on the computing power of a cheap calculator, or edit that photo with a disc on a stick.
But yeah , that seems like grueling labor ,comparatively speaking.
I know someone who plays golf with hickory shafted clubs and a gutta percha ball , he says it changes the game. I figure someday I'll put away the digital camera and go back in time to film or something like that.
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