Thoughts on Instagram potential?


New member
What do you think of the Instagram photography, especially of what bloggers post?

Do you think this kind of photography shows potential or is it too generic?
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Senior Member
There's mobile photography using Instagram filters, aiming for square shots, blah-blah. Then there's Instagram as a social media vehicle. Could care less about the first. As for the second, I've had more correspondence with strangers regarding my work after posting it to IG and tagging it intelligently than I've had in all my time on Facebook, Flickr and 500px. It's not about what you post there, it's about how what you post there influences others towards your photographs. If you look at it as just another place to put your stuff then you're missing the point of it (something I did for my first 2 years there). It's fun to shoot cool, square photos, but it can be limited. When I said "screw iphoneography" and started posting images from my regular work that translate well to the format (thing bold and uncomplicated) it started working for me.