People leaving Facebook

Scott Murray

Senior Member
I have noticed a growing trend with people de-activating their FB accounts due to it taking up too much time etc, I have also considered this but I am finding that a majority of my business is coming through FB and is then referred to my website etc. So if I did actually de-activate FB I would be loosing out on business. I think the thing with FB is use it for what you want to get out of it and ignore the crap that goes along with it. FB is a tool and that is what I use it for.

Rick M

Senior Member
I'm sick of all the advertising and feeling I need to check it. I've cut back to close friends and family, I could see myself leaving FB in a few years. Unfortunately it's a good tool to keep up with kids or long distance family/friends (only reason I'm still on it).


Senior Member
I haven't had a chance to read your post. I've got a lot of stuff to do on Face Book. I'll get back to you in a few days, if I can.


Staff member
Super Mod
I deactivated FB four years ago and never looked back, now I'm hooked on Nikonites!!!


Senior Member
I am a clueless old fogey, without a clue about Facebook, but still, I seem to resent it (and Twitter). For example, the local news says they put something on Facebook (or Twitter), which leaves me out. Why do people seem to use Facebook as an alternate to internet? Just because it is hosted and they have no place else?


Senior Member
I have basically used FB to talk to family and old friends. I read the rest of the BS like a soap opera. Since I have a large family, it is easier then a phone call and I only deal with 2 sites. Nikonites and FB. My days are mostly work and with the holidays and lack of help, I might be working 7 days. More money for NAS.


Senior Member
FB is great. I love it coz I get to see what is going on in the lives of my old friends and some of my family. It can take over if you let it :D


Senior Member
everyone uses it for different needs. some are attention whores, some for personal, some for business or a little of each. Im not the idiot who posts food and coffee pics and posts where hes at.

I have a lot of friends who are in the US. childhood friends. so I have contact there where I wouldnt any other way.

I use facebook to keep in contact with other pro photogs. more than half are protogs the other half is family. I have less than 500 "friends" and im constantly unfriending those who are annoying to me and bombard my news feed with crap. especially the bored attention whore losers who have nothing to do but to post nonsense all the time.

use it for what you need. facebook is using us. same same.

two great plugins for the browser that works with FB are

Social Fixer

and photo zoom


Senior Member
and FaceBook Purity....filters out the ads and even has a swear filter so you can avoid seeing the F and C words (my pet hates) ;)


Senior Member
I deactivated my facebook many moons ago and life never was better. I however miss out on all that critical information about people doing their dishes, going to the john and having a meal.

I guess that's the price to pay.

If I remember well, my last words on FB were: "NO I DON'T WANT YOUR @&é# FARMVILLE ANIMAL!!!!"
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Senior Member
11 million people have quit Facebook since 2011.
That's 11 million people who got smart in 3 years ;)
So you are right, people are leaving FB & i think it's a good thing.
I've seen too many relationships strained & broken thanks to FB
(NOTE -I mention FB in particular & not social media)
There is something 'wrong' with the way FB works on the human psyche.

Here's an infographic for USA -

But if used purely for business, it will get you results.. cos there are still folks who have not YET fled from facebook..
The end is near for sure


Senior Member
I joined FB years ago to keep an eye on my daughter, make sure she wasnt being cyber bullied. Now she no longer goes on FB, I rarely comment on there. I do like to keep up with my old school friends and family, and I post occasional photos on there. If there was a simple way to keep in touch with everyone away from FB I would...


Senior Member
I joined FB a few months ago. What prompted me? Well announcements and keeping in touch with our extended family.


Senior Member
Me and my family use it to keep in touch with family & friends back in the Philippines, Australia, USA, Japan, Norway and Western Canada. Thank God for FaceBook, because i could not afford to travel to all those places every year. As Scott said, it's a tool. Use it for what you want. Other then seeing updates from family & friends, exchanging some messages, i'm not to keen on FB.


Senior Member
When I was traveling 40 weeks a year it was my one way to stay connected with people I know. Through it I have reconnected with countless old friends and deepened some formerly casual relationships. I check it in the morning with my coffee and again in the evening. There's a lot of noise there, and I've filtered and blocked people and sites that make it a nuisance, but with my current roster of rather well read friends I get access to better and more accurate news than I'd get from the mass media.

As for business, it's almost useless. I've gotten more action from well tagged posts on Twitter and Instagram, because I will not pay FB to "boost" my posts.

For those who hate the ads and annoying FB add-ons, I highly recommend a browser add-on called FB Purity (F.B. Purity - Clean up and Customize Facebook) that allows you to selectively block the various ads and sites that they stick in your news feed, as well as guarantee that you're looking at the "Most Recent" feed and not "Top Stories" as defined by FB.


Senior Member
I like FB....but don't spend a lot of time on it. I mainly use it to keep up with families videos and pictures, plus old friends from school. It serves it's purpose.


Senior Member
When I was traveling 40 weeks a year it was my one way to stay connected with people I know. Through it I have reconnected with countless old friends and deepened some formerly casual relationships. I check it in the morning with my coffee and again in the evening. There's a lot of noise there, and I've filtered and blocked people and sites that make it a nuisance, but with my current roster of rather well read friends I get access to better and more accurate news than I'd get from the mass media.

As for business, it's almost useless. I've gotten more action from well tagged posts on Twitter and Instagram, because I will not pay FB to "boost" my posts.

For those who hate the ads and annoying FB add-ons, I highly recommend a browser add-on called FB Purity (F.B. Purity - Clean up and Customize Facebook) that allows you to selectively block the various ads and sites that they stick in your news feed, as well as guarantee that you're looking at the "Most Recent" feed and not "Top Stories" as defined by FB.

I'm now using facebook purity. Great add-on! Thanks Jake! No "like" button on my screen for your post. sorry!