New Nikonite to the world!


New member
Hello everyone! Just got my Nikon D90. As a former Canon owner I have found alot more useful features that I am still getting used to. Definitely loving my upgrade!


Senior Member
Welcome, Manuel, to the wonderful world of Nikon excellence! :) You won't ever be sorry you came over to the "good side" of photography! ;) lol Looking forward to seeing some of your work. :) Enjoy your stay at Nikonites.


New member
Welcome, Manuel, to the wonderful world of Nikon excellence! :) You won't ever be sorry you came over to the "good side" of photography! ;) lol Looking forward to seeing some of your work. :) Enjoy your stay at Nikonites.

Oh yes. Nikon & excellence are meant to be used in the same sentence! I never know what I was missing until I got my D90! Trying to get my 5 post "quota" so I can post some work I did today at a car show in downtown Phoenix AZ.

Joseph Bautsch

New member
Hi and welcome to the Nikonites Community. I've had several guys in my photo club ask me why I don't shoot with a Cannon. I told them I preferred my shots to be in focus and I saw no reason to downgrade. :D lol In any case you will like it here, there are a number of D90 users and if you have any questions about using it just jump in here and ask.


Snow White
Welcome, Manuel, and congratulations on your upgrade! As you can see already, this is a fun group with a lot of knowledge. Looking forward to your posts!

Best Regards


Snow White
I've had several guys in my photo club ask me why I don't shoot with a Cannon. I told them I preferred my shots to be in focus and I saw no reason to downgrade. .

Hi, Joseph! I go through the same stuff in my photo club . . . most are canon users. I love your reply!

Best Regards


Senior Member
Welcome. I to shot Canon for SLR's before I went digital. I went with Nikon (also a D90) and have never looked back. Bought my dad a D80 and he has now fully converted as well. My main choice initially was the glass but now that I have used the camera for a while, the interface is so much nicer and the "feel" is better. All of these things are subjective of course but I could never go back. It was an easy transition but would be painful to go back.
There have been some great threads here that will help you get started with the D90. Start getting out of the auto modes and you will see what a great and intuitive camera you have purchased. I am sure you will love it.


Senior Member
Welcome to the site, I myself use both Nikon & Canon. You will enjoy this site (lots to learn here) You will love your Nikon (Fantastic cameras).

Ruidoso Bill

Senior Member
Welcome Manuel to Nikonites, it's a great place to hang out and learn. Nothing madder than a canon user when they announce a mount redesign.
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Senior Member
Bill, I really don't understand Canon's reasoning on that one. Taking a whole generation of lenses out of the mix for a design change is not good marketing in my opinion. There are a lot of people that use older Nikon lenses because they are still outstanding and work on all the modern Nikon bodies.


New member
Thanks for all the welcomings! :) Absolutely loving my D90! Does anyone have any suggestions for noise reduction software? I seem to be getting alot of noise when I try to take indoor shots barely at 500 iso. :(


Snow White
What lens, what f-stop and what shutter speed are you shooting? You shouldn't be getting a lot of noise at 500 iso, unless you're shooting at a low shutter speed and your lens is not very fast, at least that has been my experience. I can shoot indoors at iso 1600, f2.8 and 1/60 with MINIMAL noise that can easily be taken out. Mybe post a pic with exif data on the photo critique section and you can get more help.

I use Define by Nik software for noise reduction, although lightroom (if you have it) does a pretty decent job with noise reduction.

Best Regards


New member
Ok Hopefully this photo of the front door to my apartment will Help. My D90 is absolutely wonderful when I am outdoors since I can lower the iso down to about 100 to 200. However, once indoors, even with decent lighting and at iso 500-800, I get noisy images. Let me know also if this is a "user error" lol since i am in fact New to the Nikon world. If this is an issue with my camera I was thinking of returning it back to Best Buy and putting in a pre-order for the D7000 as an option. I just want to get back behind the viewfinder asap!

EXIF Data:
f 3.5
1/60 shutter speed
iso 500
focal length 18mm
18-105mm 3.5-5.6
Exposure bias: 0 Steps
Mode: Aperture Priority
White balance: Auto


  • DSC_0298_001.JPG
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Snow White
Manuel, this is not a bad shot. First, let me ask you, is the ceiling textured? I am suspecting it is texture and not noise since the walls are nice and clean. Secondly, you have to remember that your camera is working very hard to get some kind of balance between the interior of the room and the bright window. In situations like this, I always do 3-5 exposures for HDR simply because there is no way that your camera can compensate for the bright light window and the dark interior.

I downloaded your pic into lightroom and CS5 on my computer and ran it through Dfine 2.0, and there was very little noise (almost none) in the pic. Look at your ceiling . . . is it textured?

If you're seeing "noise", you may want to find a lens with a max f-stop of 2.8 --that does help. By the looks of this pic,though, I don't think there's anything wrong with your camera. Remember that these cameras are really hi-res -- I am always amazed at how many wrinkiles I have when I do a self-portrait.

I gladly defer to my esteemed colleagues with more experience, especially with the d90. . . try photographing the interior WITHOUT the bright window and see if it makes a difference.

Best Regards