just caught 3 crooks breaking into my house


Senior Member
So i was relaxing on the balcony feeding the wild cockatoos (and taking photos of them)
When my wife ran over and grabbed me and took me to the spare room.
There I found 3 crooks trying to get in via the window (keep in mind were 3 stories up). I was shocked but got rid of them before anything could happen !!!


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Senior Member
You have to watch those buggers. They get one to get your attention and then while you are distracted the others get in behind your back. Had my lunch stolen by a kookaburra gang employing the same tactics once:D


Senior Member
we have been feeding them for months, they have been pretty cool and I have grown pretty fond of one. His name is Frank. anyway they have been cool, up until a few weeks ago, trashing the place and shitting everywhere. today they broke Cass's (wife) gnome and tore apart a pot plant. So Cass said "thats it were not feeding them anymore"... 30 min later THISSSSS !!!!!!



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Senior Member
I used to feed them when I lived in Sydney too but when they started to eat my outdoor furniture that all stopped. They can be VERY destructive sadly.


Senior Member
Yes they started to eat the boxing bag, tore down the wife's fairy lights etc. They're destructive but it's hard to say no when you can hold a bowl and they'll eat out of it. Haha


Senior Member
Can someone tell me how to rotate the photos. When I uploaded them they were correct. Sorry I'm a bit of a noob, also a amateur photographer haha


Senior Member
Not sure about your D3200 but my D7100 has a place in the menu where you set it to automatically turn photos to the right way up