Dave's Daily Digital Download

dh photography

Senior Member
Figured I'd jump in here's to see if I could post up something everyday. Should've a great learning tool for me. This one needs better lighting and editing to say the least. Had to post from my phone since I haven't been able to upload from my PC at all today. Been a long day. LoL.


dh photography

Senior Member
Thanks, Bill!! Turned out better than I expected, given I have crap for editing software right now. I have GOT to get something downloaded to work with!!!

Here's a nice little bee shot. Wouldn't hold still for me long enough to get closer.



Senior Member
Another cool shot buddy! I'm in a similar boat right now with post processing! Lol I'm just starting to shoot raw photos, and learning to use an older laptop and different post processing program! Lol :D

dh photography

Senior Member
Yeah, my laptop's dead, the misses has the MacBook, and my PC at work won't upload a picture to the forum. I'm jumping back and forth between machines that work and using plain Apple iPhoto on the Mac. Did upload the free PS2 at work, but couldn't get it to save the edited files so that the uploader would work. Ugh. Time for a cash windfall so I can get a new laptop and LR.

dh photography

Senior Member
Lot's of flat farm land around here for sure. I'll get some hill shots later, just to prove we have a few. LoL.

Here's a bit more flat land across the road from my office.


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dh photography

Senior Member
Lame day on the photo front. Just a couple from a quick trip to the park between showers. Is it ok to have photograph withdraw syndrome after one day?!?!




Senior Member
Welcome David, I just got a chance to look at your thread. You have some really nice shots there. I can't wait to see what you do with an editing program. I am still using Picasa for editing, but some day, like you, I will get Photoshop and LightRoom. :)

dh photography

Senior Member
Thank you. Being so new to the digital slr world has been a tad frustrating to say the least. I so desperately want and expect to be taking winning shots immediately and every time. If only it were really that easy. Heck; I'm even having a hard time taking basic clear focused shots it seems. Never seemed this hard with the old manual focus Pentax. It was either in focus or it wasn't. LoL. But watch out for us in the near future. We'll learn and just wait until we can really post process. :)


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dh photography

Senior Member
Excellent. Print this one.

Thanks, Ron. I really appreciate that!

I guess I'm being super critical of my stuff. Really having a hard time with focal clarity and the right DOF. Several days lately I've come home with 20 shots I thought were going to be really nice, only to end up with one or two that are salvageable. Some has to do with the lens, some the lighting, and a lot with the shaky handed photo guy. I can shoot dimes at 30yds with my 1911s, but can't hold my camera still. LoL! I need to spend an entire day out shooting. Really focus on what I'm doing and how the camera is reacting.