Corrupt SD card


Senior Member
In need of help

My SD card has become corrupt.

I have pictures on the card but when I tried to read I get what is shown in picture.
It is not my pc I have checked in another. And first has no virus that could have corrupted card.
I cannot change name of the 4 files or the Type other than to just file not to JPEGimage.


  • sd.jpg
    25.7 KB · Views: 75


Senior Member
Thanks for reply

Yes I have, one built in and have tried external on 2 Pc's

Just curious....what type of card became corrupt? Not that it would matter but we might want to steer clear of them for a while. I figure you know to format the card in the camera, not in the computer, and if you can, let us know if you did this before using the card? Thanks


Senior Member
you migt lose those pictures, but if you can't recover those shots, reformat in the camera. If you have already done that and the card became corrupt, then I'd consider throwing the card away.

Moab Man

Senior Member
There are various free data recovery programs on the web you can try.

To the bigger problem at hand, are you reformatting the card each time you put it in the camera? If not, in time, that will cause a card to corrupt. Best practice is to shoot, offload from the disc, reformat in the camera.

If you are already doing this the info will be helpful to those that don't know to do this.


Senior Member
most name brands offer a free recover software that will work on other cards as well. you should have gotten a serial number in the package and you goto the site to get it. with the Lexar card I got, they offer their image rescue 5