Color Checker?


Senior Member
Great question. I've never used one but have heard many people do. Not sure how important it really is. I do know that when getting that precise with the color in your images you also should calibrate your monitor and have a decent one to start with. If it's a cheap monitor that renders colors poorly than thee's no sense going ahead with it. Curious to hear more replies.

Horoscope Fish

Senior Member
I think they're an excellent idea if you do a lot of batch processing, but then too I'm "for" just about anything the minimizes time behind the computer so I can maximize time behind the camera. I'm pretty sure it requires working with the agnostic DNG file format, though, since it would be a headache and a half to try and support the ever growing number of specific RAW formats (like NEF).

That doesn't mean I think DNG is a drawback, but if you're not ready to convert from NEF to DNG you might want to reconsider the X-Rite.


Fred Kingston_RIP

Senior Member
It only uses the DNG format to create the profile... from that point forward, you use the profile to sync the batch or the individual NEF/JPEG files... It doesn't require DNG for the normal workflow...

I use the Color Checker... someone posted a link recently for the package at 50% off...

I can't imagine NOT using it at this point... <-- drawback is, now I have too sell my Sekonic L-358 to get a newer one that supports the color profiles...

Fred Kingston_RIP

Senior Member
Sure... You have color profiles in your camera... Normal, Vivid etc... Those are Nikon's perceived color profiles...

NEF files in LR don't necessarily use those profiles... but LR does contain the same(approximate) color profiles...

Color Checker uses a color target, to create/calibrate color profiles that you create and adds them to to the Color profile list in LR...

You take a shot of the color checker's target in the image... and the color checker software uses those calibrated colors to create a corrected color profile for that specific lighting condition...

If you have already color calibrated your monitor, creating a color corrected profile for your images is the next logical step in adjusting your systems...


Senior Member
Imagine you are taking portrait photos using studio lights and want perfect skin colour. You take one picture of your model holding the colour checker card. Then you continue with your work.

In post processing, you use software provided with the card (I think Adobe also made software that works with Xrite) and use it on the picture with the card in it. The software (in theory) recognises where the colour squares are, measures them and builds a profile. Your camera already have some profiles: standard, portrait, vivid, landscape and so on. Profiles are used to convert raw files and contain information about white balance, colours and intensities. In an ideal world your custom profile will provide perfect colour calibration source for the given light setup.

You can create individual custom profiles for different environments.


Senior Member
Thank you very much Fred & Marek, you both obviously understand the process well & have explained it perfectly!

As you both have mentioned Adobe, I assume that it works nicely with PS & LR. I've not yet bought those yet either, but will do before the end of this week. I hope I will be able to run some sort of process on my RAW images where I can tweak everything that needs to be tweaked on import.

I think that due to the relatively small cost of the Color Checker, I'm going to get one when I buy my ColorMunki.

Thank you.

Fred Kingston_RIP

Senior Member
I hope I will be able to run some sort of process on my RAW images where I can tweak everything that needs to be tweaked on import.

Read more:

Yes... you can... LR lets you make adjustments to a RAW image, and then save those adjustments as a "preset"... then you can simply "tag" any/all/groups of images with that "preset", and LR applies those changes to all the selected images...

You can also setup the "Import" module to apply the above "preset" to images as they are initially Imported...

Today... pretty much all photography type software that's being commercially produced, functions/integrates with Adobe's products...

Apple has basically stopped any work/upgrades for Aperture... leaving the market to Adobe...


Senior Member
One of the huge advantages to using these is to create color profiles that give you consistent colors across camera bodies. Even 2 cameras of the same type can be slightly different. With 4 different bodies I've set up profiles very much as Fred has outlined and it helps a lot when I've got more than one out shooting at the same time.


Senior Member
@Gorf, Thanks for asking about this product. I had been meaning to but never did. After watching the video I think I will now be placing an order for one.

Blade Canyon

Senior Member
Almost a year later, is everyone still happy with the Color Checker Passport and the software that comes with it? I just watched a half-hour video that made it look pretty good, now I just need a tiny shove to spend the $100 to get it.

Horoscope Fish

Senior Member
Almost a year later, is everyone still happy with the Color Checker Passport and the software that comes with it? I just watched a half-hour video that made it look pretty good, now I just need a tiny shove to spend the $100 to get it.
Do it. Do it now! Then READ and FOLLOW the instructions that come with it... Seriously. Read them.


Blade Canyon

Senior Member
My local camera store had the Color Checker Classic, which is bigger but uses the exact same software as the CC Passport and was $20 cheaper. The Classic, I realize now, is too big to regularly take with me, so I might get the Passport, too. I like the concept and my first few tests.


Senior Member
I have 2 if you want to work a deal. I bought one and got the other with my light meter. Pm me and we can work something out, I really don't need 2.

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