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  1. B

    Let's Get Out of All Wars

    With some of the recent tragedies in the Middle East I wish we could just pack up our bags and get the hell out of there. Bring our troops home NOW! We're not wanted over there, why remain until 2014? As a Vietnam era vet I'm sick of overstaying our welcome. We can deploy entire divisions in 90...
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    Recently Retired

    Richard is the father of my best friend, Warren. Within weeks of this portrait he retired as an automotive mechanic for Ford. I think you can see the joy in his expression.
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    One of a Kind Postcards

    There are so very many personal uses for photographic talents. The creative part of me practices just a few of the commercial possibilities available to photographers everywhere.
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    Today's Experiment

    Since I get to post just one photo per day this is today's shot. It's the granddaughter of one of my McDonald's coffe clutch, Dianne. The little girl's name is Faith and she is 10 years old. She's cute as a button and not camera shy. Her grandma was sitting right next to her out of frame.
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    Monkey Business

    This little guy looked so shy and lonely. He didn't move at all for minutes.
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    Lorikeet Landing

    I was surprised on my zoo visit today that the Lorikeet Landing habitat was open to the public. They've decided to keep the exotic parrots around for another season. My little buddies were happy to see me, posing as they are prone to do.
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    Sunny Day Zoo Visit

    I was so glad to be able to get out and do some shooting today. Temperatures are soaring to 60 degrees. The new 24-70mm F/2.8 performed flawlessly. Boy, does it focus fast! I had no problem with the hefty weight or the lack of VR. My skills were developed years before there was such a thing. I...
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    24-70 First Shot

    Well, here's my first serious shot with my new 24-70mm lens. Wilbur is always available so he became the volunteer. ISO 400, F/2.8, 1/250" I like it!
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    New 24-70 Arrives

    I'm genuinely excited! My new Nikon 24-70mm F/2.8 AFS FX lens just arrived. The first thing I did was put its 77mm UV filter on for protection. At $1700 the $50 filter protects my investment. This glass is huge! With the lens hood attached it's wide, long and heavy. On my present D7000 it feels...
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    Snack Lady

    I used to shoot a lot of portraits. I love distinctive faces and my "Snack Lady" certainly qualifies. I was using a D90 at the time and had just purchased a Nikon 18-200mm F/3.5-5.6 VRII DX lens. I had heard that this VR lens greatly extended the user's capability at shoot at lower shutter...
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    Male Lion Portrait

    I must be getting lazy. I didn't feel like looking up the Exif data to post this shot in the critique section so I'm just showing it here. It's one of many taken of the big cats at the Portland, OR Zoo.
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    Custom Postcards

    I have traveled about 70,000 miles, mostly by motorcycle, in the 5 years I've lived in Oregon. The day I got here April 26, 2007, I didn't know a single highway or street, having driven 3,000 miles from South Carolina. I actually had to carry around a map to find my way home. There are so many...
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    Leopard Close-up

    Here's another in my series of big cats of the Portland Zoo. It's one of two on exhibit. These cats are difficult to photograph because they actually appear shy, turning their backs to viewers. Their small environment has them in seemingly constant movement with PlexiGlas barriers. Technique is...
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    An Out Of Box Experience

    Even though I'm 62 and officially an old fart I continue to learn each and every day. I fill my time with things I really enjoy doing. I live a rich life by combining my three hobbies; photography, motorcycling & computers. I have a background in fine art from my college days that aids in my...
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    In retirement I've enjoyed having the time and freedom to experiment with the craft of photography. There's so many different uses for photographs, or pieces of photographs, that might ordinarily wind up in the trash bin. Greeting cards, calendars, posters and custom T-shirts are all on my list...
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    It's All A Matter Of Perspective

    I've used these two photographs to illustrate the difference in perspective when using different focal length lenses. It becomes rather obvious as you look at the mountain in the background. The two shots were taken from a relatively similar position within 10 minutes of each other. That's my...
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    Trojan Park

    This is one of my favorite photographs from a few years back. It's location is Trojan Park near downtown Goble, OR. For locals you would get the joke in that statement because if you blink as you drive down Highway 30 you'd miss Goble. The town only has two buildings, no traffic lights or even a...
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    A Tough Job

    This family certainly seemed to be have a great time strolling along the beach when I captured their picture. The little guy pushing his brother in the stroller was taking his job very serious as he leaned forward. 1/250" Aperture priority F/9.5 & ISO 100
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    Observations on Photographic Forums

    I've belonged to at least a dozen different photographic forums in the last 5 years or so. Some are specialty forums like this one that touts the Nikon name brand. Others lean toward new photographers to the digital world, just learning how to take a decent photo. There are some common threads...
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    "I left my heart......"

    One of my favorite stops during my latest vacation included San Francisco. I really like the small amount that I saw in the few hours I had to dedicate to shooting their. My tour bus left from the Green Tortoise Hostel in San Francisco but deliberately arrived a day early just to tour this...