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  1. L

    Help please: Dirt or fibers on mirror

    I was changing lenses this evening and used the blower/brush before fixing the next lens on. In doing so it seems like a piece of the brush or some bits of dirt got onto the mirror. It isn't showing up on the pictures but looking through the viewfinder is terrible. Should I just take it in and...
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    Nikkor 55-300 vs 70-300

    Hi everyone First of all, I've been away for a while and feel a bit bad about it. I have had the most incredible amount of help and support from you all over the last year and it's the second time life has thrown some curve balls and seen me 'vanish' for a few months. But I am back :) As...
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    Starting out with HDR - hints & tips?

    I want to try out some HDR. I have watched plenty tutorials, downloaded the trial version of Photomatix Pro and played around with sample images to find my way around and get a feel for it and I am going to purchase the full version, so that's the software side taken care of for now. I know it...
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    MC DC2 Please help

    I'm going away on a trip in 2 days. I have a remote shutter release, but bought a corded one for this trip and can't find how to get it to work :uncomfortableness: This is what is happening: Camera set to remote mode Remote cable plugged in Remote does activate autofocus and locks in on the...
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    D90 ISO question

    I want to take some low light indoor show photos next month. Some of the scenes are going to be quite dark and I won't be able to use a flash. How high can I pump the ISO on a D90 before it starts to produce obvious noise? I will have a tripod with me so that will offer some stability and I...
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    Sigma 28-70mm 1:2.8-4 D - Any thoughts on this lens?

    I've been trawling the internet trying to see if this lens is compatible with the D90. I assumed it was but I can't find anything conclusive. Actually, it seems to be out of production now or otherwise not very readily available new. I just wondered if anyone has used one of these before and...
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    Nikon AF 35-70mm F3.3-4.5

    :confused: Any opinions on this little lens? I have been offered to buy it from someone for small change but I am also not wanting to buy a lens just for the sake of it. I only have 2 lenses: the 18-105 and a 50 mm F1.8 AF-D. I'm just wondering what this lens could offer me that the other...
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    Making Christmas Tree lights "twinkle" (?)

    I know if there is anywhere to get advice on this, it's here :-) If this is not the appropriate place to have posted, please feel free to move it. I was trying to get a shot of my Christmas tree with the lights on with the "twinkle" effect. I am using a 50mm F1.8 lens and have played with...
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    Another 50mm F1.8 vs 35 mm F1.8 question

    I know this question is asked quite often and have been reading all the threads I could find in the subject. I will probably eventually get both but can only afford one to start with. While I do get that they are different lenses and render different results, is there anywhere I could view...
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    Joining the D90 Group :-)

    Hi I'm new on here (and should probably go and introduce myself first!) but I just purchased a D90 today and I am too excited to not tell anyone. :D I can't wait for it to arrive. I am currently a D40 owner and going to have to sell it to pay towards my new purchase. I feel like a bit of a...