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  1. 4

    Was it just me last night?

    Or did anyone else have issues with the site? Last night, for several hours, the site was acting totally wonky for me. I'd log in, and I'd be sent to a page listing all the smilies. I'd click on the 'Forum" tab, and be sent to a random members' gallery. For a while, I would be directed to...
  2. 4

    Doot.... doot.... dooooot,...... lookin out my back door.

    Had a huge temperature inversion last night, accompanied by a front bringing moist air. As a result, the screen in my back door looked like it had been dipped in water. I was struck by the multiple micro-lenses in the Tetris-like appearance. Nikon D600, Nikkor 200/4 Ai (yea, an oldie!) on...
  3. 4

    I have been humbled.

    The 2017 Iowa State Fair Photography Salon reception was held earlier this afternoon. I found out I had all four of my entries accepted this year..... 3 of which garnered an award. Ten Tracks: Leaf in Suspension: Rustic Outside, Refined Inside: Java Joe's: I was one of only...
  4. 4

    Tokina 100-300 5.6

    Wandered into the local brick-n-mortar camera store this morning and spied a mint-condition Tokina 100-300 f/5.6. My guess (based on the colors used) is late 70's/early 80's. They let me take it home for a test drive. Not a bad lens. Walked around the back yard to test it for sharpness...
  5. 4

    Just a reminder for this weekend

  6. 4

    This thread is dedicated......

    .... to those in the Midwest.
  7. 4

    Of a Tair, a Typewriter and Tri-X

    A couple months ago, I came across my old typewriter from high school. I had been looking for it rather half-heartedly, but was excited when I found it. My excitement was short-lived, however, when I discovered that it was electric and needed a new ribbon. The electric part didn't thrill me...
  8. 4

    Leaf in Suspension

    I've been wanting to take this image for years, and tonight was the perfect time to try it. With a plethora of possible leaves laying out in the yard, it just took some time to go out and find the perfect subject. It had started to rain this afternoon, so my possible subjects were quite...
  9. 4

    Book Store Find

    Managed to find what I hope to be a good book at a bookstore in Texas. Normally ten bucks, marked down to 99 cents.
  10. 4

    Today, I was reminded why....

    .... I no longer do commission work. Especially portraits. My next-door neighbor's 11-YO grand-daughter stopped by and begged me to take some photos of her since she was all dressed up to go to a wedding. So I grudgingly obliged her. I'm sure I'd never make it as a...
  11. 4

    Last Batch of the Summer Ice Cream

    A local dairy produces a real nice (albeit expensive) ice cream mix that just can't be beat. I had resigned myself to not seeing any until next summer as they don't usually produce it after early September. But, to my astonishment, there were 4 containers in the cooler at the grocery store...
  12. 4

    Anvil Head

    No, not the type you find at the village smithy's. Went out last night for a ride on the bike trail (with my new Terra Trike Tour II) and was facing this for about half an hour: Sorry for the low quality.... I only had my cellphone with me. I have yet to rig up a holder for my Sony a6300.
  13. 4

    I Screwed Up Again.............

    ...and had 3 images accepted at the 2016 Iowa State Fair Photography Salon, two of which won an award:
  14. 4

    Forgive me, for I have sinned...........

    .......... I decided to forsake Nikon for a 'dedicated' video camera and go with a Sony a6300. But I have partially atoned by buying an adapter so I can mount my F-lens collection.
  15. 4

    Edited Fireworks Video

    Final edit of last nights' video session:
  16. 4

    Pyrotechnic displays sure look different.........

    ................ when viewed from 400 feet.
  17. 4

    FAA Announces new regs for US drone users
  18. 4

    Just a boring drone video

    No car crashes, nekked wimmin or belt-fed automatic weapons. Just flyin' around some of the old city landmarks this morning.
  19. 4

    Last Night's Attitude Readjustment Session

    So I took advantage of a couple of work-free days and some great spring weather yesterday and took a quick Attitude Readjustment Session. Got all my backpack gear loaded up and headed to Stephens State Forest in SE Iowa for a little hiking and camping. I left home about 10:30, and stopped in...
  20. 4

    If you own a Manfrotto tripod....

    ... you may wanna watch this: