Search results

  1. Ijustwant1

    D850 off-road motorbike durability

    I’m thinking of getting the D850 with maybe the tamron 28-200 to take out riding in the outback, I go over some rugged terrain dusty sometimes wet and a fair amount of vibration am I just going to kill it or will it take it in it’s stride? The camera will be in a backpack or tank bag , I ride a...
  2. Ijustwant1

    Need advice on a new monitor please

    Hi, I am wanting to get 2 new monitors about 32'' for my computer I will be doing all the normal photo editing etc... no more than $600 [pair] Australian dollars, what are your recommendations. Cheers Greg
  3. Ijustwant1

    What Lens ?

    Hi Folks, I am just getting back into things , I am trying to get a D750 and a macro lens, I am thinking the Nikon 105mm f2.8G n vr for taking photos of jewellery and opal, and yes I am a jeweller ;). So what would be the way to go? Thanks Greg
  4. Ijustwant1

    Are there any home brewers here?

    Just wondering if anyone brews there own beer ! I used to do "all grain" about 4 years ago and now my youngest daughter (18 year old) wants me to start brewing again ! :very_drunk: Very happy to start again she wants me to make a copy of Karl Strauss' Red Trolley ale ! Well of course I will...
  5. Ijustwant1

    Dropped my iPad !!!

    Well I love my iPad and am very upset ! When I got home from my road trip to Coober Pedy I dropped it when unpacking the car , it was just a little drop and it was still working fine , but then two days later it went all weird colours ! I can read emails use it for reading Nikonites but looking...
  6. Ijustwant1

    My Road Trip To Coober Pedy

    Well I have gone on a road trip to Coober Pedy in South Australia the Opal Capital of the World ! so thought I would take a few photos of my trip ! I grew up here ! so the first photo is about two hours out of Adelaide...
  7. Ijustwant1

    Back Focus Issue !!

    Hi , I have assigned AE-L / AF-L as my back focus button and Focus Mode to AF-C ! Now I focus on my subject and shot ... Snap no problemo ! However I don't always want to have the subject in the centre , some times I like to mix it up and have my subject off centre, but I focus on said subject...
  8. Ijustwant1

    Moroccan Glass

    Not sure if this was the place for this ! I was at the Adelaide Central Markets and saw this and well.... 50mm f1.8G
  9. Ijustwant1

    What are your favourite settings D610

    Hello all you D610 owners :cool: What are your favourite settings and why ? And why am I asking ? Well I might be getting the D610 and just want to know what others do an I don't mean shutter/aperture stuff I mean user type stuff, U1, U2 , do you add sharpness ect.... I will be shooting RAW and...
  10. Ijustwant1

    Is the 85mm f/1.8G better than the D

    Hi my friends! For those that have had experience with both the 85mm f/1.8D and 85mm f/1.8G is the G worth the extra cash ? I will be getting the D610 body and I do love the 50mm f/1.8G on the D5100 , so now out to you ! :cool:
  11. Ijustwant1

    Does anyone use Apple Airport Time Capsule?

    Hi all I am thinking about this for backing up Lightroom and my other stuff ! Does anyone have experience with the 2 or 3 TB ? :cool:
  12. Ijustwant1

    It was a good night !

    I shot this at a wedding I went to, and I thought it looked ok, it was a good night, I think ! :rolleyes:
  13. Ijustwant1

    Post your Tree Photos !

    I could not find a tree thread so lets have one for trees ! if I am mistaken please correct me ! :cool: This is a furry bit on a lemon scented eucalyptus, the green tinge is the reflection of the grass !
  14. Ijustwant1

    Coffee shop gallery

    Well my coffee shop man saw some of my photos and said he would be happy to hang them in his shop for people to buy ! So I am here are my first four !
  15. Ijustwant1

    Cloud Dreaming

    Hi I would some feedback on this photo, my intent was to create an atmosphere of dreaming about great adventures, i am thinking of charging for photos like this and i think its good but what about a critical eye from my peers ! Darcy is less than a month old , spent about two hours and 120...
  16. Ijustwant1

    Baby photo ideas ?

    Hi all I am going to spend next Saturday taking photos of my two and a half week old grand daughter and my daughter wants some cool shots ! So can you ( my Nikonites friends ) give us some inspiration ! ​
  17. Ijustwant1

    Good canons

    I found this on Nikonites Facebook , ;) The comment was the table might give way with those soft lenses ! Ha ha :cool:
  18. Ijustwant1

    Hot Dog

    Not sure were to post this so here looks good ! I spotted this in a mall so I thought I would share with you ! I think he/she is made of bronze ! I did small edit in there ;-)
  19. Ijustwant1

    Who is a happy Poppy then !

    Well my first grandchild arrived on Tuesday morning, a girl , Darcy, 8lb5, or 3.7kl, I am one very happy man ! mother father and baby all healthy and happy !
  20. Ijustwant1

    Just learnt something !

    I know people are going to say " I knew that " but anyway I just worked out today that when I am photographing products with my camera on tripod and in live view I can zoom in and fine tune my focus !! Great for products and macro ! Well there you go I think I am preaching to the converted...