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  1. D

    Holiday/Christmas/New Year/

    Happy New Year!!! ;) :cheerful: I know its a bit late, but i have been so tied up with a whole bunch of stuff, wont bore you. Anyway, I just thought it would be nice if everyone might share their favorite Holiday photos from their D7000. This is one of mine. I look forward to seeing yours...
  2. D

    Photography courses

    Not sure if this is the right place to post this... but... I was wondering what peoples views were on photography courses, both actual going to school courses and doing it at home online courses... free or paid? Are they worth doing? Has anyone done any courses? What did you enjoy about it and...
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    camera cake

    It was my Birthday this weekend and my sister in law made me an awesome cake! Just wanted to share the photo of it with you guys I sooooo didn't want to cut it haha
  4. D

    50mm f1.8D

    Soooo, I got the above prime lens yesterday - brand new, well almost, used only 2 times! and for less than half price :D I had planned on buying the 35mm after work but had to stay an extra 2 hrs!! Crazy day - anyway, was kinda upset coz the store had closed and I was complaining pretty bad to...
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    hello from a Brit in USA!

    Good morning/afternoon all! My name is Mandy and I just wanted to share some info about me.... I'm originally from Manchester, UK but have been living in New York since 06. I'm 30 yrs old (eeek!) , i'm a married mommy of 2 boys who are also showing their love for photography and are already...
  6. D

    Buying a D7000

    Good morning Nikonites!! Firstly id like to say what a wonderful community you guys seem to have here... I hope that I may become, in time, as valuable and as knowledgable as many of you appear to be. Ok, so I'm a newbie here... as well as in the DSLR world - in fact I'm not even in that...