Grain Silos


Senior Member

I was at work last afternoon, and took this picture. The picture has no been digitally modifies minus some contrast tweaking. Can I have some comments on the picture?



Senior Member
Awesome shot, the sun is like almost perfect level in this shot, yes I would probably crop a little bit more of the sky out, but that's just me.


Senior Member
In northern Greece, a few kilometres from Didimoticho. We are harvesting sunflower these days, and I was there to check on the product. The sunset gave an ideal lightning for the photo. if anyone wants more details, feel free to ask!


Senior Member
i dont think you should crop it. There is too much subject/black taking up the frame. crop it tighter and there will be nothing but a black box to look at. Its a nice capture, but the subject is not doing it for me. I wouldn't have known what I was looking at if you didnt tell me. I thik it is important that it be clear on what the subject is when doing silhouette photography.