Post Your Black and Whites Photos!!


Senior Member

Must be the farmer in me. I love this shot


Senior Member
Very nice job.

Thanks! I love how a lot of them turned out. Here's a few more. I got some great street portrait opportunities yesterday.

Street accordianist by wreckdiver1321, on Flickr
(I know I cut this guy's legs off, but the rest of the shot was so cool that I had to keep it)

Mother and child by wreckdiver1321, on Flickr

Mother and daughter by wreckdiver1321, on Flickr

A man and his dog by wreckdiver1321, on Flickr

And some random stuff

The old wood pile 2 by wreckdiver1321, on Flickr

Uncoupled by wreckdiver1321, on Flickr

Subtle signs by wreckdiver1321, on Flickr

By the way, that B-17 shot is just awesome!!