Recent content by epark1281

  1. E

    D70 in Cape Cod

    We had a fantastic time there. Here are some photos from one of the many beaches (this one was near Provincetown, MA). Night shot of Provincetown, MA (we headed here post sunset). Met a feller in Hyannis that bred and raised dogs. He had nine on a leash! I've found the 35mm...
  2. E

    Just discovering the D70

    Took the D70 for a whirl on at Point Pleasant this weekend. I'm very impressed...especially considering this is 10 year old sensor technology!
  3. E

    GAS Strikes! Hard! D70!

    I really, really wanted to start doing some HSS work. I have a Metz 48AF that does HSS with TTL on my Olympus E-P3. Now I want it on my Nikon. I either fork out a fortune for HSS strobes... OR! I find a Electronic/Mechanical Shutter Hybrid! $85 Bucks shipped used from Adorama! I can't wait to...
  4. E

    Corner Portraits

    Still Playing with off camera flash. Nikon D3200 and 50mm 1.8G Metz 48-AF triggered with Cheapo Cowboy triggers, 45° to the left of subject, wall to the right. No flash meter, just a pure guesstimate. Still learning this thing. I think up next I'd probably like to get an additional flash and a...
  5. E

    Corner Portraits

    Playing with off camera flash portraits for the first time using my D3200 and 50mm f1.8 Minor exposure adjustments in Lightroom. Criticism (constructive!) more than welcome.
  6. E

    35mm, 50mm or 10-20/24mm

    Congrats.I myself have purchased the 35 and the 50 (both 1.8), and love them.But I've found that the kit lens takes some kick a** photos. I don't see anything wrong with them. I thought about ditching them, selling them back and upgrading, but i don't feel the need. I'm happy with both the...