Recent content by dea

  1. dea

    developed vs undeveloped

    here's my shot for tonight. thanks for your time
  2. dea

    sigma vs tamron

    hi people. as i want to buy 70-300 lens, can anyone suggest which one is better? sigma or tamron? someone said to me that tamron lens easy to have fungus. and also can anyone suggest another third party lens?
  3. dea

    my philosophy

    A wise man i know once said; It is just one simple sentence and it changes me a lot about photography. Capturing a great photo is not about how expensive your gears or how high tech your epuipments are. It is about you, your hand-eye coordination and using the best of what you had at the...
  4. dea

    Post Your Black and Whites Photos!!

    Here is mine
  5. dea


    this was taken at local pier. it was my first week owning a camera and went shooting like crazy. everyday is shooting day. hope that last.
  6. dea

    Cellphone Photos

    i shot this by using my old Sony Ericsson K770i few years back. I'm still amaze that the quality from the phone really awesome mentioned that it only had 5.0MP. "the best camera is the one on your hand"
  7. dea

    thailand getaway

    Actually, I went to Koh Samui, Thailand for my first time last month and these is some of my shots. I don't edit these pics because I am too damn lazy. Haha. Our first night in local night market After few hours wander around and nothing to buy, we headed to our room and have good...
  8. dea


    frankly i don't know if my composition is right. anyone care to elaborate and critic about this? really appreciate your comments. thanks. EXIF Camera: Nikon D90 Exposure: 1/250 @ f/5.6 Focal length: 105mm ISO: 200 Lens: Tamron 18-105 f/3.5-5.6
  9. dea

    misty beach

    guys, this is colour version of the pics. hminx, actually i dont cropped the big rock. i'm still learning to get good composition. thanks all.
  10. dea

    Post your sunset images!

    want to show off too. haha
  11. dea

    D90 Pics

    Re: D90 pics hiya fellow d90-ers. can i tag along? this is my share for today..
  12. dea

    misty beach

    EXIF Camera: Nikon D90 Exposure: 30" @ f/32 Focal length: 50mm ISO: 100 Lens: Nikkor 18-105 I took this photo at my hometown. It is a beach and i thought I want to shoot long shutter ptiority. I don't use ND filter. Then processed it in Lightroom 4.0 and just cropped it, convert it to B&W...
  13. dea

    Hiya all

    I am newbie here.. Looking forward for other forumers guidance. I'm from malaysia. Nice to meet u all.. thanks