Does Anybody Use Film Cameras Anymore?


Senior Member
Some manual film cameras could still take a photo using certain settings even if the battery was dead. I had a Minolta with that ability. Try that with a digital camera!

I have gone months with dead batteries in my F2 (the camera at least) because I don't use the camera's meter except in an emergency or if i need a quick exposure. Same for the Nikkormat FT3. And my Hasselblad 500CM does not even have a meter and all the Compur shutters are in the lenses themselves. My F4 is a total brick without batteries and because I do not use autofocus or autoexposure, the batteries in my D700 and battery pack can last for well over a month easily before needing recharged. Plus I alternate my batteries in the D700. When the battery in the battery pack needs recharged, I remove it, and move the one from the camera into the battery pack and then replace the one in the camera with the freshly recharged one from the battery pack. That way each battery is recharged the same number of times as the other one.


Senior Member
Some manual film cameras could still take a photo using certain settings even if the battery was dead. I had a Minolta with that ability. Try that with a digital camera!

You got me there!
Absolutely, I guess that is why I still hold on to my MP.:D


Senior Member
What can I do differently with film and would you buy a better lense for that camera at a cheap price and keep using it also?

You can go on vacation with your family and several film cameras and spend several hundred dollars on film and processing! I know; I've done it! :eek:


Senior Member
The last time I used a film camera was at Sea World. Bought a waterproof disposable to avoid a wave washed DSLR watching Shamu.


Senior Member
Why do some people like to shoot muzzle loaders in lieu of modern guns? They do it because they like it.

One other reason is that gunpowder and lead balls are a heck of a lot cheaper than modern bullets. Plus, in a given time frame you are going to shot a lot less rounds than you would would fire through a semi-auto pistol or rifle.


Senior Member
Let's not forget the fun we had running our film and film cameras through airport scanners, never certain that our images would escape ruin.


Senior Member
Dont think i could afford to shoot film, 2-300 shots per session

The only way you might afford 300 shots per session would be to load your own cassettes with bulk film (don't even know if bulk film is still available at a reasonable cost) and do all you own film processing (development and printing).