Double Posts -- Strange Site Behavior


Senior Member
Challenge Team
I know this has been mentioned in some of the threads, but not as a thread of it's own.

I am getting a number of double posts (or more). Today I tried to post a reply to a thread using "Quick Reply." As it has been doing lately, it took a while to respond when I clicked on Post Reply. Then I got a message about leaving the page. See screen shot.

In the past, I have hit the stay on the page and it then looks like the reply is not posted. Click on the post reply again and then the double or triple posts. Lately, I have clicked on Leave the Page. The post usually posts OK then, but today it double posted.
@jdeg. do you have a clue what is going on?


Senior Member
I know this has been mentioned in some of the threads, but not as a thread of it's own.

I am getting a number of double posts (or more). Today I tried to post a reply to a thread using "Quick Reply." As it has been doing lately, it took a while to respond when I clicked on Post Reply. Then I got a message about leaving the page. See screen shot.
View attachment 203811

In the past, I have hit the stay on the page and it then looks like the reply is not posted. Click on the post reply again and then the double or triple posts. Lately, I have clicked on Leave the Page. The post usually posts OK then, but today it double posted.

@jdeg. do you have a clue what is going on?

I just had the same thing happen a few minutes ago.


Senior Member
Challenge Team
There seems to be a hiccup in the system. I have been having problems with it since last week. It started when I had poor internet and I originally attributed it to that, but now I really think it is the site server.


Happily retired
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Super Mod
I also have a problem of being timed out whenever I try to post images in a thread or answer to one. Something is seriously wrong. It doesn't seem to be affecting answers that don't have images... if it can help.

Dawg Pics

Senior Member
It is doing the same thing to me. I reply, it throws me into a page that looks like I haven't posted. If I scroll down a little I can see my post. Before I realized what was happening, I was getting double posts because I clicked reply again not realizing the post took.
Now, it is just timing me out, but it is posting the reply even though I get an error page. I am not getting any more double posts, just annoying slow loading with a timed-out error.


Senior Member
I have notice over the last few days when I upload a picture, then click "post quick reply"

Nothing there, looks like I've not posted,
I have to refresh the page to see my post.
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Senior Member
After double posting a couple times myself I tried refreshing the page like @paul04 said and that seemed to work. But the system has been a bit strange the last couple three days for me.


Senior Member
After double posting a couple times myself I tried refreshing the page like @paul04 said and that seemed to work. But the system has been a bit strange the last couple three days for me.


Staff member
Super Mod
When it seems to take a long time for a post to upload, I quickly copy my response as a precaution then reload the page. Usually I see my post was uploaded even though the process hadn't finished. If my post didn't get uploaded, then I just paste it and try again.


Senior Member
Challenge Team
After double posting a couple times myself I tried refreshing the page like @paul04 said and that seemed to work. But the system has been a bit strange the last couple three days for me.

How appropriate! This post ^^^ is double posted. Ha! What a neat way to make your point. LOL


Senior Member
Challenge Team
Another quirk that I have noticed lately is in the "Notifications" I look at them and then go about in the site. I get another notification notice and when I look it is the same as I had already seen and looked at.


^ broke something
Staff member
I was just doing some work on the server. That may have something to do with it. ctrl+f5 if you are still having issues.


Senior Member
Challenge Team
The hiccup has reared its ugly head again. Just a minute ago, I had the Leave the Page message and then the can't post in 30 seconds (or whatever the time is) again. Yesterday I did the Ctrl + f5 two times just to be sure that I wasn't carrying along any old baggage. Ha! It didn't double post though. Will watch it some more to see how it goes.