Signature is gone

Michael J.

Senior Member
I don't know if this happens just to me but when I click like the signature disappears afterwards.

Before clicking like


after clicking like


even I reload the site or open the page later, the signature is gone.


Senior Member
Michael its just another problem,i get the same and also if i click like the page jumps and sometimes my like hasn't worked,i go onto a new thread and the images dont appear just the link in red,its just slowed down again for me,my Internet connection may not be the fastest but i just did a check
download 34.46 mb/s
upload 1.86 mb/s

And this is the only site that causes me these problems


Staff member
Super Mod
I just noticed the same thing. Even when I reload the page, the signature is still missing after clicking on a like.


Senior Member
Yup, one of the known bugs with the new "like" system. Seems to remove the signature on the post you just clicked "like", resizes pictures (smaller or larger), and sometimes jumps around to different parts of the page.


Senior Member
I haven't noticed the signature issue(not paying attention I guess), but the jumping when I click on the like is something that I have noticed! Lol :)


^ broke something
Staff member

The issue with things resizing & exif disappearing is separate and I have in a feature request to the software developers to change this behavior.