New here (hi! *waves*) and a question about d800 timelapse exporting


New member
Hi everyone,

I have looked everywhere online for the answer to this and I hope someone here can help me. I am a D3s user normally but my wife has a d800 that I used as my second camera this weekend shooting timelapses in the desert. Since the d800 has a handy "timelapse" option in the shooting menu, I used that instead of "interval frames" option for taking the timelapse. One major problem: Exporting the card data now onto my computer, I see that the d800 has pre-stacked all timelapse images and exported them as a quicktime file, which means I can't use Lightroom to edit key frames to lighten up areas before I make the actual timelapse final. It's basically just a 10 second Quicktime movie, which makes me incredibly sad since I can't edit it at all...

Does anyone know how to unstack the images I took while in Timelapse mode? Is that even possible?


Senior Member
Welcome to nikonites! I have the D800E but I haven't tried timelapse option, so maybe other's here will be of much more help! I hope you'll enjoy spending time here with us! :)